Interface UIEvent

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
KeyboardEvent, MouseEvent, TextEvent
All Known Implementing Classes:
DOMKeyboardEvent, DOMMouseEvent, DOMTextEvent, DOMUIEvent

public interface UIEvent
extends Event

The UIEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with User Interface events.

To create an instance of the UIEvent interface, use the DocumentEvent.createEvent("UIEvent") method call.

See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Events Specification .

DOM Level 2

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
 int getDetail()
          Specifies some detail information about the Event, depending on the type of event.
 AbstractView getView()
          The view attribute identifies the AbstractView from which the event was generated.
 void initUIEvent(String typeArg, boolean canBubbleArg, boolean cancelableArg, AbstractView viewArg, int detailArg)
          The initUIEvent method is used to initialize the value of a UIEvent object and has the same behavior as Event.initEvent().
 void initUIEventNS(String namespaceURI, String typeArg, boolean canBubbleArg, boolean cancelableArg, AbstractView viewArg, int detailArg)
          The initUIEventNS method is used to initialize the value of a UIEvent object and has the same behavior as Event.initEventNS().
Methods inherited from interface
getBubbles, getCancelable, getCurrentTarget, getDefaultPrevented, getEventPhase, getNamespaceURI, getTarget, getTimeStamp, getType, initEvent, initEventNS, preventDefault, stopImmediatePropagation, stopPropagation

Method Detail


public AbstractView getView()
The view attribute identifies the AbstractView from which the event was generated.


public int getDetail()
Specifies some detail information about the Event, depending on the type of event.


public void initUIEvent(String typeArg,
                        boolean canBubbleArg,
                        boolean cancelableArg,
                        AbstractView viewArg,
                        int detailArg)
The initUIEvent method is used to initialize the value of a UIEvent object and has the same behavior as Event.initEvent().

typeArg - Refer to the Event.initEvent() method for a description of this parameter.
canBubbleArg - Refer to the Event.initEvent() method for a description of this parameter.
cancelableArg - Refer to the Event.initEvent() method for a description of this parameter.
viewArg - Specifies UIEvent.view. This value may be null.
detailArg - Specifies UIEvent.detail.


public void initUIEventNS(String namespaceURI,
                          String typeArg,
                          boolean canBubbleArg,
                          boolean cancelableArg,
                          AbstractView viewArg,
                          int detailArg)
The initUIEventNS method is used to initialize the value of a UIEvent object and has the same behavior as Event.initEventNS().

namespaceURI - Refer to the Event.initEventNS() method for a description of this parameter.
typeArg - Refer to the Event.initEventNS() method for a description of this parameter.
canBubbleArg - Refer to the Event.initEventNS() method for a description of this parameter.
cancelableArg - Refer to the Event.initEventNS() method for a description of this parameter.
viewArg - Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEvent() method for a description of this parameter.
detailArg - Refer to the UIEvent.initUIEvent() method for a description of this parameter.
DOM Level 3

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