Interface LRUCache.LRUObj

All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface LRUCache.LRUObj

Interface for object participating in the LRU Cache. These inform the object of key events in the status of the object in the LRU cache.

Method Summary
 LRUCache.LRUNode lruGet()
          Called to get the LRU node for this object.
 void lruRemove()
          Called to inform the object that it is no longer in the cache.
 void lruSet(LRUCache.LRUNode nde)
          Called when the object first becomes active in the LRU cache.

Method Detail


public void lruSet(LRUCache.LRUNode nde)
Called when the object first becomes active in the LRU cache.

nde - The LRU cache node associated with this object. should be remembered so it can be returned by lruGet.


public LRUCache.LRUNode lruGet()
Called to get the LRU node for this object. Should return the node passed in to lruSet.


public void lruRemove()
Called to inform the object that it is no longer in the cache.

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