Class ImageEncoderImpl

  extended byorg.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.codec.util.ImageEncoderImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
PNGImageEncoder, TIFFImageEncoder

public abstract class ImageEncoderImpl
extends Object
implements ImageEncoder

A partial implementation of the ImageEncoder interface useful for subclassing.

This class is not a committed part of the JAI API. It may be removed or changed in future releases of JAI.

Field Summary
protected  OutputStream output
          The OutputStream associcted with this ImageEncoder.
protected  ImageEncodeParam param
          The ImageEncodeParam object associcted with this ImageEncoder.
Constructor Summary
ImageEncoderImpl(OutputStream output, ImageEncodeParam param)
          Constructs an ImageEncoderImpl with a given OutputStream and ImageEncoderParam instance.
Method Summary
 void encode(Raster ras, ColorModel cm)
          Encodes a Raster with a given ColorModel and writes the output to the OutputStream associated with this ImageEncoder.
abstract  void encode(RenderedImage im)
          Encodes a RenderedImage and writes the output to the OutputStream associated with this ImageEncoder.
 OutputStream getOutputStream()
          Returns the OutputStream associated with this ImageEncoder.
 ImageEncodeParam getParam()
          Returns the current parameters as an instance of the ImageEncodeParam interface.
 void setParam(ImageEncodeParam param)
          Sets the current parameters to an instance of the ImageEncodeParam interface.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected OutputStream output
The OutputStream associcted with this ImageEncoder.


protected ImageEncodeParam param
The ImageEncodeParam object associcted with this ImageEncoder.

Constructor Detail


public ImageEncoderImpl(OutputStream output,
                        ImageEncodeParam param)
Constructs an ImageEncoderImpl with a given OutputStream and ImageEncoderParam instance.

Method Detail


public ImageEncodeParam getParam()
Returns the current parameters as an instance of the ImageEncodeParam interface. Concrete implementations of this interface will return corresponding concrete implementations of the ImageEncodeParam interface. For example, a JPEGImageEncoder will return an instance of JPEGEncodeParam.

Specified by:
getParam in interface ImageEncoder


public void setParam(ImageEncodeParam param)
Sets the current parameters to an instance of the ImageEncodeParam interface. Concrete implementations of ImageEncoder may throw a RuntimeException if the params argument is not an instance of the appropriate subclass or subinterface. For example, a JPEGImageEncoder will expect param to be an instance of JPEGEncodeParam.

Specified by:
setParam in interface ImageEncoder


public OutputStream getOutputStream()
Returns the OutputStream associated with this ImageEncoder.

Specified by:
getOutputStream in interface ImageEncoder


public void encode(Raster ras,
                   ColorModel cm)
            throws IOException
Encodes a Raster with a given ColorModel and writes the output to the OutputStream associated with this ImageEncoder.

Specified by:
encode in interface ImageEncoder


public abstract void encode(RenderedImage im)
                     throws IOException
Encodes a RenderedImage and writes the output to the OutputStream associated with this ImageEncoder.

Specified by:
encode in interface ImageEncoder

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