Package org.apache.batik.css.dom

Interface Summary
CSSOMStyleDeclaration.ModificationHandler To manage the modifications on a CSS value.
CSSOMStyleDeclaration.ValueProvider To provides the values.
CSSOMSVGColor.ModificationHandler To manage the modifications on a CSS value.
CSSOMSVGColor.ValueProvider To provide the actual value.
CSSOMSVGPaint.PaintModificationHandler To manage the modifications on a SVGPaint value.
CSSOMValue.ModificationHandler To manage the modifications on a CSS value.
CSSOMValue.ValueProvider To provides the actual value.

Class Summary
CSSOMComputedStyle This class represents the computed style of an element.
CSSOMStoredStyleDeclaration A class for SVG style declarations that store their properties in a StyleDeclaration.
CSSOMStyleDeclaration This class represents a style declaration.
CSSOMSVGColor This class implements the SVGColor interface.
CSSOMSVGComputedStyle This class represents the computed style of an SVG element.
CSSOMSVGPaint This class implements the SVGPaint interface.
CSSOMSVGStyleDeclaration This class represents a SVG style declaration.
CSSOMSVGViewCSS This class represents an object which provides the computed styles of the elements of a SVG document.
CSSOMValue This class implements the CSSValue, CSSPrimitiveValue, CSSValueList interfaces.
CSSOMViewCSS This class represents an object which provides the computed styles of the elements of a document.

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