Interface Main.OptionHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Main.OptionHandler

Interface for handling one command line option

Method Summary
 String getOptionDescription()
          Returns the description for this option
 int getOptionValuesLength()
          Returns the number of values which the option handler requires.
 void handleOption(String[] optionValues, SVGConverter c)
          The OptionHandler should configure the SVGConverter according to the value of the option.

Method Detail


public void handleOption(String[] optionValues,
                         SVGConverter c)
The OptionHandler should configure the SVGConverter according to the value of the option. Should throw an IllegalArgumentException if optionValue is not an acceptable option.


public int getOptionValuesLength()
Returns the number of values which the option handler requires. This defines the length of the optionValues array passed to the handler in the handleOption method


public String getOptionDescription()
Returns the description for this option

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