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The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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StylesheetRoot Class Reference

This acts as the stylesheet root of the stylesheet tree, and holds values that are shared by all stylesheets in the tree. More...

Inheritance diagram for StylesheetRoot:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for StylesheetRoot:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

This acts as the stylesheet root of the stylesheet tree, and holds values that are shared by all stylesheets in the tree.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef XalanMap<const XalanQName*, AttributeSetVectorType> StylesheetRoot::AttributeSetMapType

typedef AttributeSetVectorTypeDecl StylesheetRoot::AttributeSetVectorType

typedef XalanVector<const XalanQName*> StylesheetRoot::XalanQNameVectorType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

StylesheetRoot::StylesheetRoot const XalanDOMString baseIdentifier,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext

Construct a Stylesheet from a Document.

baseIdentifier document identifier
constructionContext context for construction of object

virtual StylesheetRoot::~StylesheetRoot  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void StylesheetRoot::addAttributeSet ElemAttributeSet theAttributeSet  ) 

StylesheetRoot* StylesheetRoot::create MemoryManagerType theManager,
const XalanDOMString baseIdentifier,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext

const ElemAttributeSet* StylesheetRoot::getAttributeSet StylesheetExecutionContext theExecutionContext,
const XalanQName theQName,
size_type  matchingIndex,
const LocatorType theLocator

Get the nth attribute set with the specified name.

execution context for executing this stylesheet
theQName the name of the attribute set
matchingIndex index of the attribute set with the specified name
theLocator the locator
a pointer to the attribute, 0 if no matching attribute set

ElemTemplateElement* StylesheetRoot::getDefaultRootRule  )  const

Get the template representing the default root rule.

pointer to default root template rule

ElemTemplateElement* StylesheetRoot::getDefaultRule  )  const

Get the template representing the default rule.

pointer to default template rule

ElemTemplateElement* StylesheetRoot::getDefaultTextRule  )  const

Get the template representing the default rule for text.

pointer to template rule for text

unsigned long StylesheetRoot::getElemNumberCount  )  const

bool StylesheetRoot::getHTMLOutputIndent  )  const

Determine if output indenting should be enabled for HTML output.

Semantically, this implies the output method is implicit, not explicit, but we don't really check that.

true to indent

const URLStackType& StylesheetRoot::getImportStack  )  const

Retrieve the stack of imported stylesheets.

const stack of URIs for stylesheets

URLStackType& StylesheetRoot::getImportStack  ) 

Retrieve the stack of imported stylesheets.

stack of URIs for stylesheets

MemoryManagerType& StylesheetRoot::getMemoryManager  ) 

Reimplemented from Stylesheet.

unsigned long StylesheetRoot::getNextElemNumberID  ) 

void StylesheetRoot::getNodeSetByKey XalanDocument doc,
const XalanQName qname,
const XalanDOMString ref,
const PrefixResolver resolver,
MutableNodeRefList nodelist,
StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext,
KeyTablesTableType theKeysTable

Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list.

doc source document
name qname of the key, which must match the 'name' attribute on xsl:key
ref value that must match the value found by the 'match' attribute on xsl:key
resolver resolver for namespace resolution
nodelist A node list to contain the nodes found
executionContext current execution context

bool StylesheetRoot::getOmitOutputXMLDecl  )  const

Determine whether to output XML declarations.

true to output declarations

XalanDOMString& StylesheetRoot::getOutputDoctypePublic XalanDOMString theResult  )  const

Get the doctype-public-id string that was specified in the xsl:output element.

document type public id string

XalanDOMString& StylesheetRoot::getOutputDoctypeSystem XalanDOMString theResult  )  const

Get the doctype-system-id string that was specified in the xsl:output element.

document type string

XalanDOMString& StylesheetRoot::getOutputEncoding XalanDOMString theResult  )  const

Get the output encoding string that was specified in the xsl:output element.

encoding string

bool StylesheetRoot::getOutputIndent  )  const

Determine if output indenting was specified in the xsl:output element.

true to indent

XalanDOMString& StylesheetRoot::getOutputMediaType XalanDOMString theResult  )  const

Get the media-type string that was specified in the xsl:output element.

media type string

FormatterListener::eFormat StylesheetRoot::getOutputMethod  )  const

Return the output method that was specified in the stylesheet.

The returned value is one of FormatterLister::eFormat values.

value of output method

XalanDOMString& StylesheetRoot::getOutputStandalone XalanDOMString theResult  )  const

Get the standalone string that was specified in the xsl:output element.(either "yes" or "no").

standalone string

XalanDOMString& StylesheetRoot::getOutputVersion XalanDOMString theResult  )  const

Get the output version string that was specified in the xsl:output element.

output version string

bool StylesheetRoot::hasCDATASectionElements  )  const

bool StylesheetRoot::hasPreserveOrStripSpaceElements  )  const

bool StylesheetRoot::isCDATASectionElementName const XalanQName theQName  )  const

Determine if a QName is in the list of CDATA section element QNames.

theQName The QName of the element to check.
true or false

bool StylesheetRoot::isOutputMethodSet  )  const

virtual void StylesheetRoot::postConstruction StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext  )  [virtual]

Called after construction is completed.

Reimplemented from Stylesheet.

void StylesheetRoot::process XalanNode sourceTree,
XSLTResultTarget outputTarget,
StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext

Transform the source tree to the output in the given result tree target.

inputSource The input source
outputTarget The output result target
constructionContext context for construction of object

void StylesheetRoot::processOutputSpec const XalanDOMChar *  name,
const AttributeListType atts,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext

Process the "xsl:output" element.

name name of element
atts attribute list for element
constructionContext context for construction of object

void StylesheetRoot::setIndentResult bool  bIndent  ) 

Change the value of the flag for indenting results.

bIndent true to indent results

void StylesheetRoot::setOutputMethod FormatterListener::eFormat  meth  ) 

Change the value of the output method, one of the FormatterListener::eFormat values.

meth new method number

FormatterListener* StylesheetRoot::setupFormatterListener XSLTResultTarget outputTarget,
StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext

Have the stylesheet create the appropriate FormatterListener, based on the XSLTResultTarget provided.

setupFormatterListener also calls setFormatterListener() on the execution context instance. setupFormatterListener() is done automatically by process(), but this is provided as an escape, to allow for changing the FormatterListener on-the-fly.

outputTarget The output source tree
constructionContext context for construction of object
a pointer to the new FormatterListener instance.

bool StylesheetRoot::shouldStripSourceNode const XalanText textNode  )  const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.