Uses of Interface

Packages that use IVisitor
org.apache.wicket The core Wicket package. 
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form HTML Forms and form components. 

Uses of IVisitor in org.apache.wicket

Methods in org.apache.wicket with parameters of type IVisitor
<S extends Component,R>
MarkupContainer.visitChildren(java.lang.Class<?> clazz, IVisitor<S,R> visitor)
          Traverses all child components of the given class in this container, calling the visitor's visit method at each one.
<R> R
MarkupContainer.visitChildren(IVisitor<Component,R> visitor)
          Traverses all child components in this container, calling the visitor's visit method at each one.
<R> R
Component.visitParents(java.lang.Class<?> c, IVisitor<Component,R> visitor)
          Traverses all parent components of the given class in this container, calling the visitor's visit method at each one.

Uses of IVisitor in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form

Classes in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form that implement IVisitor
static class Form.ValidationVisitor
          Visitor used for validation

Methods in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form with parameters of type IVisitor
<R> R
FormComponent.visitComponentsPostOrder(Component component, IVisitor<Component,R> visitor)
          Visits any form components inside component if it is a container, or component itself if it is itself a form component
<R> R
Form.visitFormComponents(IVisitor<? extends FormComponent<?>,R> visitor)
          Convenient and typesafe way to visit all the form components on a form.
<R> R
FormComponent.visitFormComponentsPostOrder(Component component, IVisitor<? extends FormComponent<?>,R> visitor)
          Visits any form components inside component if it is a container, or component itself if it is itself a form component
<R> R
Form.visitFormComponentsPostOrder(IVisitor<? extends FormComponent<?>,R> visitor)
          Convenient and typesafe way to visit all the form components on a form postorder (deepest first)

Uses of IVisitor in org.apache.wicket.markup.renderStrategy

Classes in org.apache.wicket.markup.renderStrategy that implement IVisitor
 class DeepChildFirstVisitor

Uses of IVisitor in org.apache.wicket.util.visit

Methods in org.apache.wicket.util.visit with parameters of type IVisitor
<S,R> R
Visits.visit(java.lang.Iterable<? super S> container, IVisitor<S,R> visitor)
          Visits container and its children pre-order (parent first).
<S,R> R
Visits.visit(java.lang.Iterable<? super S> container, IVisitor<S,R> visitor, IVisitFilter filter)
          Visits container and its children pre-order (parent first).
<S,R> R
Visits.visitChildren(java.lang.Iterable<? super S> container, IVisitor<S,R> visitor)
          Visits children of the specified Iterable pre-order (parent first).
<S,R> R
Visits.visitChildren(java.lang.Iterable<? super S> container, IVisitor<S,R> visitor, IVisitFilter filter)
          Visits children of the specified Iterable pre-order (parent first).
<S,R> R
Visits.visitPostOrder(java.lang.Object root, IVisitor<S,R> visitor, IVisitFilter filter)
          Visits the specified object and any of its children using a post-order (child first) traversal.
<S,R> R
Visits.visitPostOrder(S root, IVisitor<S,R> visitor)
          Visits the specified object and any of its children using a post-order (child first) traversal.

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