Uses of Interface

Packages that use IPageable
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list List components for tabular data and such. 

Uses of IPageable in org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.navigation.paging

Methods in org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.navigation.paging with parameters of type IPageable
protected  AjaxPagingNavigationBehavior AjaxPagingNavigationLink.newAjaxPagingNavigationBehavior(IPageable pageable, java.lang.String event)
protected  AjaxPagingNavigationBehavior AjaxPagingNavigationIncrementLink.newAjaxPagingNavigationBehavior(IPageable pageable, java.lang.String event)
protected  PagingNavigation AjaxPagingNavigator.newNavigation(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, IPagingLabelProvider labelProvider)
protected  Link<?> AjaxPagingNavigator.newPagingNavigationIncrementLink(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, int increment)
          Create a new increment link.
protected  Link<?> AjaxPagingNavigator.newPagingNavigationLink(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, int pageNumber)
          Create a new pagenumber link.
protected  Link<?> AjaxPagingNavigation.newPagingNavigationLink(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, int pageIndex)
          Factory method for creating ajaxian page number links.

Constructors in org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.navigation.paging with parameters of type IPageable
AjaxPagingNavigation(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable)
AjaxPagingNavigation(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, IPagingLabelProvider labelProvider)
AjaxPagingNavigationBehavior(IAjaxLink owner, IPageable pageable, java.lang.String event)
          Attaches the navigation behavior to the owner link and drives the pageable component.
AjaxPagingNavigationIncrementLink(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, int increment)
AjaxPagingNavigationLink(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, int pageNumber)
AjaxPagingNavigator(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable)
AjaxPagingNavigator(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, IPagingLabelProvider labelProvider)

Uses of IPageable in

Classes in that implement IPageable
 class AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable<T>
          An implementation of the DataTable that aims to solve the 90% usecase by adding navigation, headers, an no-records-found toolbars to a standard DataTable.

Uses of IPageable in

Classes in that implement IPageable
 class AbstractDataGridView<T>
          Acts as a base for data-grid views.
 class DataGridView<T>
          Simple concrete implementation of AbstractDataGridView

Uses of IPageable in

Classes in that implement IPageable
 class DataTable<T>
          A data table builds on data grid view to introduce toolbars.
 class DefaultDataTable<T>
          An implementation of the DataTable that aims to solve the 90% usecase by adding navigation, headers, an no-records-found toolbars to a standard DataTable.

Uses of IPageable in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list

Classes in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list that implement IPageable
 class PageableListView<T>
          PageableListView is similar to ListView but provides in addition pageable views.

Uses of IPageable in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.navigation.paging

Subinterfaces of IPageable in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.navigation.paging
 interface IPageableItems
          represents a countable amount of items that can be paginated.

Fields in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.navigation.paging declared as IPageable
protected  IPageable PagingNavigationLink.pageable
          The pageable list view.
protected  IPageable PagingNavigationIncrementLink.pageable
          The PageableListView the page links are referring to.
protected  IPageable PagingNavigation.pageable
          The PageableListView this navigation is navigating.

Methods in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.navigation.paging that return IPageable
 IPageable PagingNavigator.getPageable()
          IPageable this navigator is linked with

Methods in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.navigation.paging with parameters of type IPageable
protected  PagingNavigation PagingNavigator.newNavigation(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, IPagingLabelProvider labelProvider)
          Create a new PagingNavigation.
protected  AbstractLink PagingNavigator.newPagingNavigationIncrementLink(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, int increment)
          Create a new increment link.
protected  AbstractLink PagingNavigator.newPagingNavigationLink(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, int pageNumber)
          Create a new pagenumber link.
protected  AbstractLink PagingNavigation.newPagingNavigationLink(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, int pageIndex)
          Factory method for creating page number links.

Constructors in org.apache.wicket.markup.html.navigation.paging with parameters of type IPageable
PagingNavigation(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable)
PagingNavigation(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, IPagingLabelProvider labelProvider)
PagingNavigationIncrementLink(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, int increment)
PagingNavigationLink(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, int pageNumber)
PagingNavigator(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable)
PagingNavigator(java.lang.String id, IPageable pageable, IPagingLabelProvider labelProvider)

Uses of IPageable in org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater

Classes in org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater that implement IPageable
 class AbstractPageableView<T>
          An abstract repeater view that provides paging functionality to its subclasses.

Uses of IPageable in

Classes in that implement IPageable
 class DataView<T>
          DataView is a basic implementation of AbstractPageableView.
 class DataViewBase<T>
          Base class for data views.
 class GridView<T>
          A pageable DataView which breaks the data in the IDataProvider into a number of data-rows, depending on the column size.

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