Uses of Package

Packages that use org.apache.wicket.injection
org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot This package contains all the classes to make your wicket components and other pojos @SpringBean annotation aware. 

Classes in org.apache.wicket.injection used by org.apache.wicket.guice
          Factory object used by injector to generate values for fields of the object being injected.
          Injector scans fields of an object instance and checks if the specified IFieldValueFactory can provide a value for a field; if it can, the field is set to that value.

Classes in org.apache.wicket.injection used by org.apache.wicket.injection
          Factory object used by injector to generate values for fields of the object being injected.
          Injector scans fields of an object instance and checks if the specified IFieldValueFactory can provide a value for a field; if it can, the field is set to that value.

Classes in org.apache.wicket.injection used by org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot
          Factory object used by injector to generate values for fields of the object being injected.
          Injector scans fields of an object instance and checks if the specified IFieldValueFactory can provide a value for a field; if it can, the field is set to that value.

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