Package org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html

Class Summary
AjaxEditableChoiceLabel<T> An inplace editor much like AjaxEditableLabel, but instead of a TextField a DropDownChoice is displayed.
AjaxEditableLabel<T> An implementation of ajaxified edit-in-place component using a TextField as it's editor.
AjaxEditableMultiLineLabel<T> An inplace editor much like AjaxEditableLabel, but now with support for multi line content and a text area as its editor.
AjaxIndicatorAppender A behavior that adds a span with wicket's default indicator gif to the end of the component's markup.
AjaxLazyLoadPanel A panel where you can lazy load another panel.
AjaxLazyLoadPanelTester Class to help test AjaxLazyLoadPanel
IndicatingAjaxButton A variant of the AjaxButton that displays a busy indicator while the ajax request is in progress.
IndicatingAjaxFallbackLink<T> A variant of the AjaxFallbackLink that displays a busy indicator while the ajax request is in progress.
IndicatingAjaxLink<T> A variant of the AjaxLink that displays a busy indicator while the ajax request is in progress.
WicketAjaxIndicatorAppender Deprecated. Use AjaxIndicatorAppender instead.

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