Uses of Class

Packages that use ModalWindow

Uses of ModalWindow in org.apache.wicket.examples.ajax.builtin.modal

Constructors in org.apache.wicket.examples.ajax.builtin.modal with parameters of type ModalWindow
ModalContent1Page(PageReference modalWindowPage, ModalWindow window)
ModalContent2Page(ModalWindow window)

Uses of ModalWindow in org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal

Methods in org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal that return ModalWindow
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.remove(Component component)
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setAutoSize(boolean autoSize)
          Sets whether window size will be automatically adjusted on opening to fit content's width and height.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setCloseButtonCallback(ModalWindow.CloseButtonCallback callback)
          Sets the ModalWindow.CloseButtonCallback instance.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setContent(Component component)
          Sets the content of the modal window.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setCookieName(java.lang.String cookieName)
          Sets the name of the cookie that is used to remember window position (and size if the window is resizable).
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setCssClassName(java.lang.String cssClassName)
          Sets the CSS class name for this window.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setHeightUnit(java.lang.String heightUnit)
          Sets the CSS unit used for initial window height.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setInitialHeight(int initialHeight)
          Sets the initial height of the window.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setInitialWidth(int initialWidth)
          Sets the initial width of the window.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setMaskType(ModalWindow.MaskType mask)
          Sets the mask type of the window.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setMinimalHeight(int minimalHeight)
          Sets the minimal height of window.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setMinimalWidth(int minimalWidth)
          Sets the minimal width of window.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setPageCreator(ModalWindow.PageCreator creator)
          Sets the ModalWindow.PageCreator instance.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setResizable(boolean resizable)
          Sets whether the user will be able to resize the window.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setTitle(IModel<java.lang.String> title)
          Sets the title of window.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setTitle(java.lang.String title)
          Sets the title of window.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setUseInitialHeight(boolean useInitialHeight)
          Sets whether to use initial height or preserve the real content height.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setWidthUnit(java.lang.String widthUnit)
          Sets the CSS unit used for initial window width.
 ModalWindow ModalWindow.setWindowClosedCallback(ModalWindow.WindowClosedCallback callback)
          Sets the @{link ModalWindow.WindowClosedCallback instance.

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