Package org.apache.wicket.util.template

Resource extensions that make working with header contributions easier and more maintainable.


Class Summary
CssTemplate Decorates a TextTemplate with CSS tags.
JavaScriptTemplate Decorates a TextTemplate with JavaScript tags.
PackagedTextTemplate A String resource that can be appended to.
TextTemplate Represents a text template that can do variable interpolation.
TextTemplateDecorator Provides the ability to 'decorate' the actual template contents before it is contributed to the header.
TextTemplateHeaderContributor A header contributor that will contribute the contents of the given template interpolated with the provided Map of variables.
TextTemplateLink<T> Links to shared, interpolated TextTemplate resources created by a factory.
TextTemplateSharedResourceFactory A resource (reference) factory that takes a TextTemplate and generates shared resources for various interpolations of that template.

Package org.apache.wicket.util.template Description

Resource extensions that make working with header contributions easier and more maintainable.

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