
Input/Output utilities.


Interface Summary
DeferredFileOutputStream.FileFactory The file factory for this deferred file output stream.
IObjectStreamFactory Deprecated. replaced by ISerializer.

Class Summary
ByteArrayOutputStream This class implements an output stream in which the data is written into a byte array.
ByteCountingOutputStream Output stream that counts bytes written to it (but discards them).
ClassStreamHandler TODO DOC ME! NOTE: this class uses Sun-specific features: we use Unsafe because we need to set the final fields, and we use ReflectionFactory to be able to find constructors appropriate for serialization.
Connections URLConnection related utilities
DeferredFileOutputStream An output stream which will retain data in memory until a specified threshold is reached, and only then commit it to disk.
FullyBufferedReader This is not a reader like e.g.
IObjectStreamFactory.DefaultObjectStreamFactory Default implementation that uses the JDK's plain implementations.
IOUtils General IO Stream manipulation.
SerializableChecker Utility class that analyzes objects for non-serializable nodes.
Streams Utilities methods for working with input and output streams.
ThresholdingOutputStream An output stream which triggers an event when a specified number of bytes of data have been written to it.
WicketObjectInputStream Deprecated. in Wicket 1.5 the (de)serializator is a pluggable piece, if some customization is needed see the new framework settings
WicketObjectOutputStream Deprecated. in Wicket 1.5 the (de)serializator is a pluggable piece, if some customization is needed see the new framework settings
WicketObjectStreamFactory Object stream factory for Wicket's custom serialization.
XmlReader This is a simple XmlReader.

Exception Summary
SerializableChecker.WicketNotSerializableException Exception that is thrown when a non-serializable object was found.

Package Description

Input/Output utilities. ByteArrayOutputStream, DeferredFileOutputStream, FileCleaner, ThresholdingOutputStream and IOUtils are copied from the Apache Jakarta Commons IO project (version 1.0). They are used by upload functions.

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