
Additions to request targets.


Interface Summary
IMountableRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy Temporary interface to make the transition to 2.0, where IRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy has a method that reveals the mount path.
IRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy Implementations of this interface know how to encode and decode request targets to/from a URL.

Class Summary
AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy Abstract class for mount encoders that uses paths and forward slashes.
BookmarkablePageRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy Encodes and decodes mounts for a single bookmarkable page class.
HybridUrlCodingStrategy An URL coding strategy that encodes the mount point, page parameters and page instance information into the URL.
HybridUrlCodingStrategy.HybridBookmarkablePageRequestTarget BookmarkablePage request target that does a redirect after bookmarkable page was rendered (only if the bookmarkable page is stateful though)
HybridUrlCodingStrategy.PageInfo Possible string representation of PageInfo: pageId pageId.version pageMap (only if pageMap starts with a letter) .pageMap pageMap.pageId.version pageMap.pageId (only if pageMap name starts with a letter)
HybridUrlCodingStrategy.PageInfoExtraction Class that encapsulates HybridUrlCodingStrategy.PageInfo instance and the URL part prior the PageInfo part
IndexedHybridUrlCodingStrategy HybridUrlCodingStrategy subclass that encodes the parameters in an indexed way like IndexedParamUrlCodingStrategy does.
IndexedParamUrlCodingStrategy Url coding strategy for bookmarkable pages that encodes index based parameters.
IndexedSharedResourceCodingStrategy Indexed url encoding for shared resources with optional query parameters

for example, with this url

MixedParamHybridUrlCodingStrategy Url coding strategy for bookmarkable pages with Ajax components that encodes a set of given parameters in the url's path and the rest in the query-string.
MixedParamUrlCodingStrategy Url coding strategy for bookmarkable pages that encodes a set of given parameters in the url's path and the rest in the query-string.
PackageRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy Encodes and decodes mounts for a whole package.
QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy Encodes and decodes mounts for a single bookmarkable page class, but with the parameters appended in a URL query string rather than integrated into a URL hierarchical path.
SharedResourceRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy Encodes and decodes mounts for a single resource class.
WebRequestEncoder AppendingStringBuffer-based query string encoder, handles String[] and String properly, and properly URL-encodes the values

Package Description

Additions to request targets.

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