Class WebRequestCycle

  extended by org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle
      extended by org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebRequestCycle

public class WebRequestCycle
extends RequestCycle

RequestCycle implementation for HTTP protocol. Holds the application, session, request and response objects for a given HTTP request. Contains methods (urlFor*) which yield a URL for bookmarkable pages as well as non-bookmarkable component interfaces. The protected handleRender method is the internal entrypoint which takes care of the details of rendering a response to an HTTP request.

Jonathan Locke, Johan Compagner, Gili Tzabari, Eelco Hillenius
See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle
application, processor, request, response
Constructor Summary
WebRequestCycle(WebApplication application, WebRequest request, Response response)
          Constructor which simply passes arguments to superclass for storage there.
Method Summary
 IRequestCycleProcessor getProcessor()
          By default returns the WebApplication's default request cycle processor.
 WebRequest getWebRequest()
 WebResponse getWebResponse()
 WebSession getWebSession()
 boolean isRedirect()
          If it's an ajax request we always redirect.
protected  ClientInfo newClientInfo()
          Creates a new agent info object based on this request.
 void redirectTo(Page page)
          Redirects browser to the given page.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle
detach, get, getApplication, getClientInfo, getMetaData, getOriginalResponse, getPageParameters, getRedirect, getRequest, getRequestTarget, getResponse, getResponsePage, getResponsePageClass, getSession, getStartTime, isUrlForNewWindowEncoding, logRuntimeException, onBeginRequest, onEndRequest, onRequestTargetSet, onRuntimeException, request, request, request, set, setAutomaticallyClearFeedbackMessages, setMetaData, setRedirect, setRequest, setRequestTarget, setResponse, setResponsePage, setResponsePage, setResponsePage, setResponsePage, setUrlForNewWindowEncoding, toString, urlFor, urlFor, urlFor, urlFor, urlFor, urlFor, urlFor, urlFor, urlFor, urlFor, wasHandled
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WebRequestCycle(WebApplication application,
                       WebRequest request,
                       Response response)
Constructor which simply passes arguments to superclass for storage there. This instance will be set as the current one for this thread.

application - The application
request - The request
response - The response
Method Detail


public IRequestCycleProcessor getProcessor()
By default returns the WebApplication's default request cycle processor. Typically, you don't override this method but instead override WebApplication.newRequestCycleProcessor().

if you decide to override this method to provide a custom processor per request cycle, any mounts done via WebApplication will not work and and RequestCycle.onRuntimeException(Page, RuntimeException) is not called unless you deliberately put effort in it to make it work.

Specified by:
getProcessor in class RequestCycle
the processor for delegated request cycle handling
See Also:


public WebRequest getWebRequest()
Request as a WebRequest


public WebResponse getWebResponse()
Response as a WebResponse


public WebSession getWebSession()
Session as a WebSession


public final void redirectTo(Page page)
Redirects browser to the given page. NOTE: Usually, you should never call this method directly, but work with setResponsePage instead. This method is part of Wicket's internal behavior and should only be used when you want to circumvent the normal framework behavior and issue the redirect directly.

Specified by:
redirectTo in class RequestCycle
page - The page to redirect to


protected ClientInfo newClientInfo()
Description copied from class: RequestCycle
Creates a new agent info object based on this request. Typically, this method is called once by the session and the returned object will be cached in the session after that call; we can expect the client to stay the same for the whole session, and implementations of RequestCycle.newClientInfo() might be relatively expensive.

Specified by:
newClientInfo in class RequestCycle
the agent info object based on this request
See Also:


public final boolean isRedirect()
If it's an ajax request we always redirect.

isRedirect in class RequestCycle
whether the page for this request should be redirected
See Also:

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