Package org.apache.wicket.model

Core model support for Wicket components.


Interface Summary
IChainingModel Models that implement this interface will support chaining of IModels.
IComponentAssignedModel Models that wish to substitute themselves with a wrapper when they are bound to a component (either through IModel parameter in a constructor or via a call to Component.setModel(IModel)) should implement this interface.
IComponentInheritedModel This is a marker interface for models that can be inherited from components higher in the hierarchy.
IDetachable Interface to logic for detaching transient information from a detachable model.
IModel A IModel wraps the actual model Object used by a Component.
IModelComparator Implementations of this interface compare model object.
IObjectClassAwareModel Interface implemented by model that can provide class of the model object.
IPropertyReflectionAwareModel Optional interface implemented by models that are able to provide reflection information about object property they interact with.
IWrapModel A marker interface that represents a model that serves as a wrapper for another.

Class Summary
AbstractPropertyModel Serves as a base class for different kinds of property models.
AbstractReadOnlyModel AbstractReadOnlyModel is an adapter base class for implementing models which have no detach logic and are read-only.
AbstractWrapModel Simple base class for IWrapModel objects see IComponentAssignedModel or IComponentInheritedModel so that you don't have to have empty methods like detach or setObject() when not used in the wrapper.
BoundCompoundPropertyModel A compound property model that supports type conversions and property expression bindings.
ComponentDetachableModel Quick detachable model that is implements the IComponentAssignedModel and the IModel interfaces.
ComponentModel Quick model that is implements the IComponentAssignedModel and the IModel interfaces.
ComponentPropertyModel A model that references a property by name on the current model of the component it is bound to.
CompoundPropertyModel A simple compound model which uses the component's name as the property expression to retrieve properties on the nested model object.
LoadableDetachableModel Model that makes working with detachable models a breeze.
Model Model is the basic implementation of an IModel.
PropertyModel A PropertyModel is used to dynamically access a model using a "property expression".
ResourceModel A model that represents a localized resource string.
StringResourceModel This model class encapsulates the full power of localization support within the Wicket framework.

Package org.apache.wicket.model Description

Core model support for Wicket components.

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