Package org.apache.wicket.behavior

Interface Summary
IActivePageBehaviorListener An extended IBehaviorListener which will be ignored if the page is not the last one the user accessed.
IBehavior Behaviors are kind of plug-ins for Components.
IBehaviorListener Listens for requests to behaviors.

Class Summary
AbstractAjaxBehavior Abstract class for handling Ajax roundtrips.
AbstractBehavior Adapter implementation of IBehavior.
AbstractHeaderContributor Behavior that delegates header contribution to a number of other contributors.
AttributeAppender AttributeModifier that appends the given value, rather than replace it.
HeaderContributor A AbstractHeaderContributor behavior that is specialized on package resources.
SimpleAttributeModifier A lightweight version of the attribute modifier.
StringHeaderContributor A simple header contributor that just spits out the string it is constructed with as a header contribution.

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