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Apache Muse

Apache Muse - Application Deployment for OSGi on J2SE

WSDL2Java generates an Ant build file (build.xml) that can be used to compile the code we've written and create a deployable OSGi bundle. Simply run ant in the generated project's directory and it will create a bundle file with the latest code and artifacts. The name of the bundle will be that of the directory that holds the project - if you want to change the name of the bundle, you need to change the name of the directory.

A copy of Eclipse Equinox is provided with the Muse distribution, and a target deployment environment for your plugin is created when the Ant script executes. This environment is created by the layout target of the build.xml file. If you would like to deploy your bundle into a pre-existing Equinox installation, you would simply need to ensure that your bundle, along with the rest of the bundles in the generated target deployment environment, are available.

To run your plugin in the generated environment, simple execute ant run, and your bundle will be deployed and activated. Note that your plugin will not be available for testing unitl the Equinox HTTP service is started. To check the status of the HTTP service, you can issue the ss command from the OSGi console, which will provide a short status of the environment's plugins.

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