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Apache Muse

Apache Muse - Download and Installation

Get the Latest Release

Go to the download page and download the binary distribution. Unzip the package into a directory on your machine. For the sake of convenience, you should add the distribution's /bin directory to your system's search path.

Review the Release Contents

Your newly created muse directory should have the following structure:

Muse Binary Distribution Layout

Here is an explanation of the contents of each directory:

  • /bin - contains scripts for executing wsdl2java and wsdlmerge. There are Windows batch scripts (.bat extension) and Unix shell scripts (.sh extension, for /bin/sh).

  • /docs - contains the documentation you are currently reading.

  • /lib - contains libraries and template project directories for code generation.

    • /axis2 - an expanded template WAR from the Apache Axis2 project.

    • /axis2-osgi - a set of OSGi bundles that expose the necessary resources from the Apache Axsi2 project.

    • /common - third-party libraries used on all platforms, including Apache Xerces, Apache Xalan, and WSDL4J.

    • /eclipse-osgi - components from the Eclipse Equinox project, which provide the minimum OSGi environment needed to host a Muse-based application.

    • muse-logging-2.2.0.jar - an implementation of java.util.Logging APIs that are compatible with J2ME.

  • /modules - contains the jars that contain the muse runtime and tooling implementation.

    • /axis2 - contains support for Axis2 deployment.

    • /core - contains jars that are essential to all Muse applications.

    • /mini - contains support for Mini SOAP Engine deployment.

    • /osgi - contains support for OSGi deployment.

    • /tools - contains the code generation and resource analysis tools.

    • /ws-fx-api - contains the Java interfaces for WS-* specifications.

    • /ws-fx-impl - contains Muse's default implementations of the WS-* specifications.

  • /samples - contains sample projects that exercise the various WS-* specs.

  • license.txt - A copy of the Apache Muse licensing terms (ASF License 2.0).

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