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Apache Muse

Apache Muse - Install and Configure the J2ME JRE

Web service endpoints built with Apache Muse 2.2.0 and above can be hosted on mobile devices using the J2ME Foundation Profile 1.1. You can download IBM's implementation of the Foundation Profile for free and install it alongside other JREs on your system. The Eclipse Project has published an excellent set of instructions to help you get this right. You may also want to download the JavaDoc for Foundation Profile 1.1.

The Eclipse wiki page says that its instructions apply to both Foundation Profile 1.0 and 1.1, but Apache Muse requires version 1.1, so make sure you download the right package. The wiki also puts a lot of focus on configuring the Eclipse IDE to recognize the J2ME JRE - this is not directly related to running Muse-based applications, but we recommend doing it if you do your development within Eclipse.

Once the J2ME JRE is installed, you still need to have one more step before you can run Muse-based applications on it:

The Muse 2.x framework depends on the J2SE Logging API, which is not available in the Foundation Profile. To bridge this gap, Muse 2.2.0 introduced a minimal implementation of the J2SE Logging API that could be added to the J2ME JRE. The current implementation is only 6.6 KB, so it will not add any bulk to your J2ME installation.

To add Muse's implementation of the J2SE Logging API to the J2ME JRE, just copy /lib/muse-logging-2.2.0.jar from the Muse distribution to JAVA_HOME/lib/endorsed, where JAVA_HOME is the J2ME JRE installation directory. Putting this JAR file in the /endorsed directory will make the Logging API available to all applications running on the JRE. You can find more information about endorsed libraries here.

Remember to perform this step again when you install the J2ME JRE on the mobile device(s) you are testing!

Apache Muse 2.2.0 has been tested on the J2ME Foundation Profile 1.1 for Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 and Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003. If you have success (or failure) with other operating systems, please send us your feedback.