AllSimpleTypeTest - Class in tests
AllSimpleTypeTest() - Constructor for class tests.AllSimpleTypeTest
AnnotationDeepTest - Class in tests
AnnotationDeepTest() - Constructor for class tests.AnnotationDeepTest
AnnotationTest - Class in tests
AnnotationTest() - Constructor for class tests.AnnotationTest
AnyAttTest - Class in tests
AnyAttTest() - Constructor for class tests.AnyAttTest
AnyTest - Class in tests
AnyTest() - Constructor for class tests.AnyTest
AppInfoMarkupTest - Class in tests
AppInfoMarkupTest() - Constructor for class tests.AppInfoMarkupTest
asURI(String) - Static method in class tests.Resources
Returns a files location as a string.
AttributeGroupTest - Class in tests
AttributeGroupTest() - Constructor for class tests.AttributeGroupTest
AttributeRefTest - Class in tests
AttributeRefTest() - Constructor for class tests.AttributeRefTest


BlockTest - Class in tests
BlockTest() - Constructor for class tests.BlockTest


ChoiceTest - Class in tests
ChoiceTest() - Constructor for class tests.ChoiceTest
CircularSchemaTest - Class in tests
CircularSchemaTest() - Constructor for class tests.CircularSchemaTest
ComplexContentRestrictionTest - Class in tests
ComplexContentRestrictionTest() - Constructor for class tests.ComplexContentRestrictionTest
ConstraintsTest - Class in tests
ConstraintsTest() - Constructor for class tests.ConstraintsTest
CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_QNAME - Static variable in class tests.customext.attrib.CustomAttribute
CUSTOM_ELT_QNAME - Static variable in class tests.customext.elt.CustomElement
CustomAttribute - Class in tests.customext.attrib
Custom Attribute class The is will be with reference to the http://customattrib.org namespace and will have 'customAttrib' as the name and the value will be a prefix and a suffix seperated with a colon see the externalAnnotations.xsd for an example schema.
CustomAttribute() - Constructor for class tests.customext.attrib.CustomAttribute
CustomAttributeDeserializer - Class in tests.customext.attrib
Custom attribute deserializer for our test custom attribute
CustomAttributeDeserializer() - Constructor for class tests.customext.attrib.CustomAttributeDeserializer
CustomAttributeSerializer - Class in tests.customext.attrib
serializer for the custom attribute
CustomAttributeSerializer() - Constructor for class tests.customext.attrib.CustomAttributeSerializer
CustomElement - Class in tests.customext.elt
Custom Element class The is will be with reference to the http://customattrib.org namespace and will have 'customElt' as the name and the value will have two attributes , prefix and a suffix see the externalAnnotationsElt.xsd for an example schema.
CustomElement() - Constructor for class tests.customext.elt.CustomElement
CustomElementDeserializer - Class in tests.customext.elt
Custom element deserializer
CustomElementDeserializer() - Constructor for class tests.customext.elt.CustomElementDeserializer
CustomElementSerializer - Class in tests.customext.elt
Custom element serializer
CustomElementSerializer() - Constructor for class tests.customext.elt.CustomElementSerializer
CustomExtDeserializerTest - Class in tests.customext.attrib
Deserialize the custom extension types
CustomExtDeserializerTest() - Constructor for class tests.customext.attrib.CustomExtDeserializerTest
CustomExtElementDeserializerTest - Class in tests.customext.elt
Test class to run through the full cycle of build-check
CustomExtElementDeserializerTest() - Constructor for class tests.customext.elt.CustomExtElementDeserializerTest
CustomExtElementSerializerTest - Class in tests.customext.elt
Test class to run through the full cycle of build-serialize-build-check
CustomExtElementSerializerTest() - Constructor for class tests.customext.elt.CustomExtElementSerializerTest
CustomExtensionRegistry - Class in tests.customext.attrib
Custom extension registry to test the functionality of the extension mechanism
CustomExtensionRegistry() - Constructor for class tests.customext.attrib.CustomExtensionRegistry
CustomExtensionRegistry - Class in tests.customext.elt
Custom extension registry
CustomExtensionRegistry() - Constructor for class tests.customext.elt.CustomExtensionRegistry
CustomExtensionSerializerTest - Class in tests.customext.attrib
Test class to do a full parsing run with the extensions
CustomExtensionSerializerTest() - Constructor for class tests.customext.attrib.CustomExtensionSerializerTest


deserialize(XmlSchemaObject, QName, Node) - Method in class tests.customext.attrib.CustomAttributeDeserializer
deserialize the given element
deserialize(XmlSchemaObject, QName, Node) - Method in class tests.customext.elt.CustomElementDeserializer
deserialize the given element


ElementRefs2Test - Class in tests
ElementRefs2Test() - Constructor for class tests.ElementRefs2Test
ElementRefsTest - Class in tests
ElementRefsTest() - Constructor for class tests.ElementRefsTest
EncodingTest - Class in tests
EncodingTest() - Constructor for class tests.EncodingTest
EnumValueTest - Class in tests
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
EnumValueTest() - Constructor for class tests.EnumValueTest
ExternalAttTest - Class in tests
ExternalAttTest() - Constructor for class tests.ExternalAttTest


FacetsTest - Class in tests
FacetsTest() - Constructor for class tests.FacetsTest


getPrefix() - Method in class tests.customext.attrib.CustomAttribute
getPrefix() - Method in class tests.customext.elt.CustomElement
getSuffix() - Method in class tests.customext.attrib.CustomAttribute
getSuffix() - Method in class tests.customext.elt.CustomElement
GroupTest - Class in tests
GroupTest() - Constructor for class tests.GroupTest


ImportTest - Class in tests
ImportTest() - Constructor for class tests.ImportTest
IncludeTest - Class in tests
IncludeTest() - Constructor for class tests.IncludeTest
isValid() - Method in class tests.w3c.SchemaTest


ListTest - Class in tests
ListTest() - Constructor for class tests.ListTest
loadSchema(File) - Method in class tests.w3c.TestRoundTripXSD


main(String[]) - Static method in class tests.w3c.TestRoundTripXSD
main(String[]) - Static method in class tests.w3c.TestW3CSchemaBucket
main(String[]) - Static method in class tests.w3c.TestW3CSchemaTestSet
MixedContentTest - Class in tests
MixedContentTest() - Constructor for class tests.MixedContentTest
MultipleExternalAttTest - Class in tests
MultipleExternalAttTest() - Constructor for class tests.MultipleExternalAttTest


NamespaceContextTest - Class in tests
NamespaceContextTest() - Constructor for class tests.NamespaceContextTest
NotationTest - Class in tests
NotationTest() - Constructor for class tests.NotationTest


PlainExtensionDeserializerTest - Class in tests.ext
Test the custom extension dserialization without any specialized hooks
PlainExtensionDeserializerTest() - Constructor for class tests.ext.PlainExtensionDeserializerTest
PlainExtensionSerializerTest - Class in tests.ext
try writing the schemas after they are built
PlainExtensionSerializerTest() - Constructor for class tests.ext.PlainExtensionSerializerTest


RecursiveImportTest - Class in tests
RecursiveImportTest() - Constructor for class tests.RecursiveImportTest
RedefineTest - Class in tests
RedefineTest() - Constructor for class tests.RedefineTest
Resources - Class in tests
Resources() - Constructor for class tests.Resources
runTest() - Method in class tests.w3c.TestRoundTripXSD


SchemaTest - Class in tests.w3c
Class representing a single schema test as described in a .testSet file.
SchemaTest(Element) - Constructor for class tests.w3c.SchemaTest
SequenceTest - Class in tests
SequenceTest() - Constructor for class tests.SequenceTest
serialize(XmlSchemaObject, Class, Node) - Method in class tests.customext.attrib.CustomAttributeSerializer
serialize the given element
serialize(XmlSchemaObject, Class, Node) - Method in class tests.customext.elt.CustomElementSerializer
serialize the given element
setPrefix(String) - Method in class tests.customext.attrib.CustomAttribute
setPrefix(String) - Method in class tests.customext.elt.CustomElement
setSuffix(String) - Method in class tests.customext.attrib.CustomAttribute
setSuffix(String) - Method in class tests.customext.elt.CustomElement
setUp() - Method in class tests.AnyAttTest
setUp() - Method in class tests.NamespaceContextTest
setUp() - Method in class tests.TestElementForm
SimpleContentExtensionTest - Class in tests
SimpleContentExtensionTest() - Constructor for class tests.SimpleContentExtensionTest
SimpleContentRestrictionTest - Class in tests
SimpleContentRestrictionTest() - Constructor for class tests.SimpleContentRestrictionTest
SingleElementNoNamespace - Class in tests
SingleElementNoNamespace() - Constructor for class tests.SingleElementNoNamespace
suite() - Static method in class tests.w3c.TestW3CSchemaBucket
suite() - Static method in class tests.w3c.TestW3CSchemaTestSet
suite(File) - Static method in class tests.w3c.TestW3CSchemaTestSet
Returns a suite of TestRoundTripXSD test case instances.


tearDown() - Method in class tests.NamespaceContextTest
test() - Method in class tests.WSCommons378Test
Tests that SchemaBuilder correctly reads additional enumeration facet attributes
TEST_RESOURCES - Static variable in class tests.Resources
Location of the test resources.
testAny() - Method in class tests.AnyTest
This method will test the any.
testAnyAtt() - Method in class tests.AnyAttTest
testAnyAttribute() - Method in class tests.AnyTest
testAnyZeroOccurs() - Method in class tests.AnyTest
testAppInfo() - Method in class tests.AppInfoMarkupTest
testAppInfoDeep() - Method in class tests.AnnotationDeepTest
The appinfo element has a source attribute but the content is deep markup.
testAppInfoNoSource() - Method in class tests.AnnotationDeepTest
The appinfo element has no source attribute but it has content.
testAttRefsWithNS() - Method in class tests.AttributeRefTest
testAttributeGroup() - Method in class tests.AttributeGroupTest
This method will test the list.
testAttributeGroupRedefine() - Method in class tests.RedefineTest
This method will test a attribute group redefine.
testChoice() - Method in class tests.ChoiceTest
This method will test the choice.
testChoice() - Method in class tests.SequenceTest
This method will test the sequence - the min and max occurences.
testCircular() - Method in class tests.CircularSchemaTest
testComplexContentRestriction() - Method in class tests.ComplexContentRestrictionTest
This method will test complex content restriction.
testComplexTypeRedefine() - Method in class tests.RedefineTest
This method will test a complex type redefine.
testComplexTypeRedefineWithRelativeImports() - Method in class tests.RedefineTest
This method will test a complex type redefine.
testConstraints() - Method in class tests.ConstraintsTest
This method will test the unique, key, and keyref constaints.
testDeserialization() - Method in class tests.customext.attrib.CustomExtDeserializerTest
testDeserialization() - Method in class tests.customext.elt.CustomExtElementDeserializerTest
testDeserialization() - Method in class tests.ext.PlainExtensionDeserializerTest
testDeserialization1() - Method in class tests.ext.PlainExtensionDeserializerTest
TestElementForm - Class in tests
TestElementForm() - Constructor for class tests.TestElementForm
testElementRefs() - Method in class tests.ElementRefs2Test
testElementRefs() - Method in class tests.ElementRefsTest
testEmptyAppInfo() - Method in class tests.AnnotationTest
This method will test for when the appinfo element of an annotation doesn't include a source attribute and doesn't contain any content.
testEmptyAppinfoDocumentation() - Method in class tests.AnnotationTest
This method will test for when the documentation and appinfo elements of an annotation don't include anything.
testEmptyDocumentation() - Method in class tests.AnnotationTest
This method will test for when the documentation element of an annotation doesn't include a source attribute or xml:lang attribute and doesn't contain any content.
testEnumerationFacet() - Method in class tests.FacetsTest
This method will test the enumeration facet.
testExternalAtt() - Method in class tests.EncodingTest
testExternalAtt() - Method in class tests.ExternalAttTest
testExternalAtt() - Method in class tests.MultipleExternalAttTest
TestForwardRefs - Class in tests
TestForwardRefs() - Constructor for class tests.TestForwardRefs
testForwardRefs() - Method in class tests.TestForwardRefs
testFractionDigitsFacet() - Method in class tests.FacetsTest
This will test the fractionDigits facet.
testFullDocumentationAppinfo() - Method in class tests.AnnotationTest
This method will test for when the documentation and appinfo elements contain all the information.
testGroup() - Method in class tests.GroupTest
This method will test the group.
testGroupRedefine() - Method in class tests.RedefineTest
This method will test a group redefine.
testImportSchemaWithoutNamespace() - Method in class tests.IncludeTest
Test importing a schema without namespace into a schema with namespace.
testInclude() - Method in class tests.IncludeTest
This method will test the include.
testIncludeSchemaWithoutNamespace() - Method in class tests.IncludeTest
Test importing a schema without namespace into a schema with namespace.
testLengthFacet() - Method in class tests.FacetsTest
This method will test for the length facet.
testList() - Method in class tests.ListTest
This method will test the list.
testLocalElements() - Method in class tests.TestElementForm
TestLocalUnnamedSimpleType - Class in tests
TestLocalUnnamedSimpleType() - Constructor for class tests.TestLocalUnnamedSimpleType
testLocalUnnamedSimpleType() - Method in class tests.TestLocalUnnamedSimpleType
testMinMaxExlusiveFacets() - Method in class tests.FacetsTest
This method will test the Min and Max Exclusive facets.
testMinMaxInclusiveFacets() - Method in class tests.FacetsTest
This method will test the Min and Max Inclusive facets.
testMinMaxLengthFacets() - Method in class tests.FacetsTest
This method will test the Min and Max Length facets.
testMixedContent() - Method in class tests.BlockTest
testMixedContent() - Method in class tests.MixedContentTest
testNamespaceContext() - Method in class tests.NamespaceContextTest
testNamespaceCount() - Method in class tests.NamespaceContextTest
testNotation() - Method in class tests.NotationTest
This method will test the notation.
testNullNamespaceCtx() - Method in class tests.NamespaceContextTest
testPatternFacet() - Method in class tests.FacetsTest
This method will test for the pattern facet.
testReadOneElement() - Method in class tests.SingleElementNoNamespace
testRoundTrip() - Method in class tests.w3c.TestRoundTripXSD
TestRoundTripXSD - Class in tests.w3c
Class to test a single schema by roundtripping it using XMLUnit cmd line parms: arg0 - valid|invalid arg1 - path to xsd file
TestRoundTripXSD() - Constructor for class tests.w3c.TestRoundTripXSD
TestRoundTripXSD(File, boolean) - Constructor for class tests.w3c.TestRoundTripXSD
tests - package tests
tests.customext.attrib - package tests.customext.attrib
tests.customext.elt - package tests.customext.elt
tests.ext - package tests.ext
tests.w3c - package tests.w3c
testSchemaImport() - Method in class tests.ImportTest
testSchemaImport() - Method in class tests.RecursiveImportTest
testSchemaImport() - Method in class tests.WSCOMMONS377Test
testSchemaImport2() - Method in class tests.ImportTest
variation of above don't set the base uri.
testSchemaImport3() - Method in class tests.ImportTest
see whether we can reach the types of the imported schemas.
testSchemaInclude() - Method in class tests.IncludeTest
Schema included defined xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
testSchemaIncludeNoDefaultNS() - Method in class tests.IncludeTest
Schema included does not define xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
testSerialization() - Method in class tests.customext.attrib.CustomExtensionSerializerTest
testSerialization() - Method in class tests.customext.elt.CustomExtElementSerializerTest
testSerialization() - Method in class tests.ext.PlainExtensionSerializerTest
testSerialization1() - Method in class tests.ext.PlainExtensionSerializerTest
testSimpleContentExtension() - Method in class tests.SimpleContentExtensionTest
This method will test the simple content extension.
testSimpleContentRestriction() - Method in class tests.SimpleContentRestrictionTest
This method will test the simple content restriction.
TestSimpleRestriction - Class in tests
TestSimpleRestriction() - Constructor for class tests.TestSimpleRestriction
testSimpleRestriction() - Method in class tests.TestSimpleRestriction
testSimpleTypeRedefine() - Method in class tests.RedefineTest
This method will test a simple type redefine.
testSimpleTypeRestrictionWithoutNamespace() - Method in class tests.TestSimpleRestriction
testSimpleTypeSchemaGeneration() - Method in class tests.AllSimpleTypeTest
testTotalDigitsFacet() - Method in class tests.FacetsTest
This method will test the total digits facet.
testTwoSchemas() - Method in class tests.TwoSchemasRefTest
testTwoSchemas() - Method in class tests.TwoSchemasTest
testUnion() - Method in class tests.UnionTest
This method will test the union.
TestUnqualifiedSchema - Class in tests
TestUnqualifiedSchema() - Constructor for class tests.TestUnqualifiedSchema
testUnqualifiedSchemas() - Method in class tests.TestUnqualifiedSchema
testValue() - Method in class tests.EnumValueTest
TestW3CSchemaBucket - Class in tests.w3c
Class to represent a bucket of tests described by a set of .testSet files.
TestW3CSchemaBucket(String) - Constructor for class tests.w3c.TestW3CSchemaBucket
TestW3CSchemaTestSet - Class in tests.w3c
Class to represent a set of schema tests as described by a .testSet file When executed each of the schemas described in the .testSet file is round-trip tested.
testWhiteSpaceFacet() - Method in class tests.FacetsTest
This will test the whiteSpace facet.
testXmlSchemaElementAnnotation() - Method in class tests.AnnotationTest
This method will test for when an annotation is added to the Xml Schema Element.
toString() - Method in class tests.w3c.SchemaTest
TwoSchemasRefTest - Class in tests
TwoSchemasRefTest() - Constructor for class tests.TwoSchemasRefTest
TwoSchemasTest - Class in tests
TwoSchemasTest() - Constructor for class tests.TwoSchemasTest


UnionTest - Class in tests
UnionTest() - Constructor for class tests.UnionTest


whitespace - Variable in class tests.NamespaceContextTest
WSCOMMONS377Test - Class in tests
WSCOMMONS377Test() - Constructor for class tests.WSCOMMONS377Test
WSCommons378Test - Class in tests
Test case for WSCOMMONS-378
WSCommons378Test() - Constructor for class tests.WSCommons378Test


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