Interface ResourcePropertyValueChangeEvent

public interface ResourcePropertyValueChangeEvent

Ian P. Springer (Hewlett-Packard Company)

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object[] getNewValue()
          Returns the new value of the property, as an array of property elements; may be null.
 java.lang.Object[] getOldValue()
          Returns the old value of the property, as an array of property elements; may be null.

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object[] getNewValue()
Returns the new value of the property, as an array of property elements; may be null.

the new value of the property, as an array of property elements; may be null


public java.lang.Object[] getOldValue()
Returns the old value of the property, as an array of property elements; may be null.

the old value of the property, as an array of property elements; may be null

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