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Velocity Tools


VelocityStruts Tools

VelocityStruts - Reference Documentation

VelocityStruts includes four view tools that provide access to Struts resources from within Velocity templates. This page is the starting point to the reference documentation for the view tools. Primary audience are the template designers.

Velocity for Struts currently supports the follwing four tools:

Provides access to the Struts message resources for internationalized output.

Provides methods to work with Struts error messages.

Provides miscellaneous methods to work with forms and form beans in the context of Struts applications.

Provides methods to work with URIs.

Provides methods to work with Struts action messages, a new feature in the upcoming 1.1. release. Will be added shortly. For the present, an initial version of this class can be found in CVS under "whiteboard/nathan/"

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