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Package org.apache.uima.resource

Interfaces for Resources and ResourceSpecifiers.

See: Description

Package org.apache.uima.resource Description

Interfaces for Resources and ResourceSpecifiers.

Resource is the general term for all UIMA components that can be acquired and used by an application (or by other resources).

Resources may be co-located with their client or distributed as services. This is made transparent to the client.

A ResourceSpecifier contains information that can be used to acquire a reference to a Resource, whether that is done by instantiating the resource locally or locating an existing resource available as a service.

The ResourceFactory takes a ResourceSpecifier and returns an instance of the specified Resource. Again, this can be done by creating the instance or by locating an existing instance.

Most applications will not need to deal with this abstract Resource interface. UIMA Developers who need to introduce new types of Resources, however, will need to implement the interfaces in this package.

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