Interface RelativePathResolver

public interface RelativePathResolver

Used by the resource manager to resolve relative URLs to absolute URLs.

Field Summary
Method Summary
 String getDataPath()
          Gets the data path used to resolve relative paths.
 URL resolveRelativePath(URL aRelativeUrl)
          Resolves a relative URL to an absolute URL.
 void setDataPath(String aPath)
          Sets the data path used to resolve relative paths.
 void setPathResolverClassLoader(ClassLoader aClassLoader)
          Sets the ClassLoader that should be used to resolve the resources.

Field Detail


static final String UIMA_DATAPATH_PROP
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


String getDataPath()
Gets the data path used to resolve relative paths. More than one directory may be specified by separating them with the System path.separator character (; on windows, : on UNIX). Elements of this path may be absolute or relative file paths.

the data path


void setDataPath(String aPath)
                 throws MalformedURLException
Sets the data path used to resolve relative paths. More than one directory may be specified by separating them with the System path.separator character (; on windows, : on UNIX). Elements of this path may be absolute or relative file paths.

aPath - the data path
MalformedURLException - if a file path could not be converted to a URL


URL resolveRelativePath(URL aRelativeUrl)
Resolves a relative URL to an absolute URL. This will attempt to resolve the URL relative to each element of the data path, sequentially starting with the first element. If this results in an absolute URL at which a file actually exists, that absolute URL is returned. If no file could be found, null is returned.

aRelativeUrl - the relative URL to be resolved (if an absolute URL is specified, it will be returned unmodified if a file actually exists at the URL; otherwise null will be returned).
the absolute URL at which the file exists, null it none could be found.


void setPathResolverClassLoader(ClassLoader aClassLoader)
Sets the ClassLoader that should be used to resolve the resources.

aClassLoader - the ClassLoader that should be used to resolve the resources.

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