Class ConfigurableResource_ImplBase

  extended by org.apache.uima.resource.Resource_ImplBase
      extended by org.apache.uima.resource.ConfigurableResource_ImplBase
All Implemented Interfaces:
ConfigurableResource, Resource
Direct Known Subclasses:
CasConsumer_ImplBase, CasDataCollectionReader_ImplBase, CasDataConsumer_ImplBase, CasDataInitializer_ImplBase, CasInitializer_ImplBase, CollectionReader_ImplBase

public abstract class ConfigurableResource_ImplBase
extends Resource_ImplBase
implements ConfigurableResource

Implementation base class for ConfigurableResources. Provides access to configuration parameters as well as basic reconfiguration capability. Subclasses should override the initialize and reconfigure methods to read specific configuration parameters (after calling super.initialize or super.reconfigure).

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.uima.resource.Resource
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Object getConfigParameterValue(String aParamName)
          Looks up the value of a configuration parameter.
 Object getConfigParameterValue(String aGroupName, String aParamName)
          Looks up the value of a configuration parameter in a group.
 void reconfigure()
          Instructs this Resource to re-read its configuration parameter settings.
 void setConfigParameterValue(String aParamName, Object aValue)
          Sets the value of a configuration parameter.
 void setConfigParameterValue(String aGroupName, String aParamName, Object aValue)
          Sets the value of a configuration parameter in a group.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.uima.resource.Resource_ImplBase
destroy, getCasManager, getLogger, getMetaData, getResourceManager, getUimaContext, getUimaContextAdmin, initialize, setLogger, setMetaData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.resource.Resource
destroy, getLogger, getMetaData, getResourceManager, getUimaContext, getUimaContextAdmin, initialize, setLogger

Constructor Detail


public ConfigurableResource_ImplBase()
Method Detail


public Object getConfigParameterValue(String aParamName)
Description copied from interface: ConfigurableResource
Looks up the value of a configuration parameter. This method will only return the value of a parameter that is not defined in any group.

This method returns null if the parameter is optional and has not been assigned a value. (For mandatory parameters, an exception is thrown during initialization if no value has been assigned.) This method also returns null if there is no declared configuration parameter with the specified name.

Specified by:
getConfigParameterValue in interface ConfigurableResource
aParamName - the name of a parameter that is not in any group
the value of the parameter with name aParamName, null is either the parameter does not exist or it has not been assigned a value.
See Also:


public Object getConfigParameterValue(String aGroupName,
                                      String aParamName)
Description copied from interface: ConfigurableResource
Looks up the value of a configuration parameter in a group. If the parameter has no value assigned within the group, fallback strategies will be followed.

This method returns null if the parameter is optional and has not been assigned a value. (For mandatory parameters, an exception is thrown during initialization if no value has been assigned.) This method also returns null if there is no declared configuration parameter with the specified name.

Specified by:
getConfigParameterValue in interface ConfigurableResource
aGroupName - the name of a configuration group. If the group name is null, this method will return the same value as getParameterValue(String).
aParamName - the name of a parameter in the group
the value of the parameter in group aGroupName with name aParamName,,null is either the parameter does not exist or it has not been assigned a value.
See Also:
ConfigurableResource.getConfigParameterValue(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public void setConfigParameterValue(String aParamName,
                                    Object aValue)
Description copied from interface: ConfigurableResource
Sets the value of a configuration parameter. This only works for a parameter that is not defined in any group. Note that there is no guarantee that the change will take effect until ConfigurableResource.reconfigure() is called.

Specified by:
setConfigParameterValue in interface ConfigurableResource
aParamName - the name of a parameter that is not in any group
aValue - the value to assign to the parameter
See Also:
ConfigurableResource.setConfigParameterValue(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)


public void setConfigParameterValue(String aGroupName,
                                    String aParamName,
                                    Object aValue)
Description copied from interface: ConfigurableResource
Sets the value of a configuration parameter in a group. Note that there is no guarantee that the change will take effect until ConfigurableResource.reconfigure() is called.

Specified by:
setConfigParameterValue in interface ConfigurableResource
aGroupName - the name of a configuration group. If this parameter is null, this method will have the same effet as setParameterValue(String,Object).
aParamName - the name of a parameter in the group
aValue - the value to assign to the parameter.
See Also:
ConfigurableResource.setConfigParameterValue(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)


public void reconfigure()
                 throws ResourceConfigurationException
Description copied from interface: ConfigurableResource
Instructs this Resource to re-read its configuration parameter settings.

Specified by:
reconfigure in interface ConfigurableResource
ResourceConfigurationException - if the configuration is not valid
See Also:

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