Uses of Class

Packages that use InstallationDescriptor The package provides applications and tools that allow installing PEAR packages containing UIMA-compliant components, verifying serviceability of installed components by using UIMA API and browsing PEAR packages. 

Uses of InstallationDescriptor in

Methods in that return InstallationDescriptor
 InstallationDescriptor InstallationDescriptorHandler.getInstallationDescriptor()
 InstallationDescriptor InstallationProcessor.getInstallationDescriptor()
 InstallationDescriptor PackageBrowser.getInstallationDescriptor()
          Loads the INSTALLATION_DESCRIPTOR_FILE file, and creates the InstallationDescriptor (InsD) object.
 InstallationDescriptor InstallationController.installComponent()
          Performs installation of the specified component in the specified target directory, including all delegate components (if exist).
 InstallationDescriptor InstallationController.installComponentDescriptors()
          Performs installation of XML descriptors of the specified component in the specified target directory, including XML descriptors of all the delegate components (if exist).

Methods in that return types with arguments of type InstallationDescriptor
protected static Hashtable<String,InstallationDescriptor> InstallationController.getDelegateInstallationDescriptors(Hashtable<String,String> installationTable)
          Creates a Hashtable that contains (compId, InsD) pairs for all separate delegate components specified in a given installation table.

Methods in with parameters of type InstallationDescriptor
static String[] InstallationController.buildArrayOfNetworkParams(InstallationDescriptor insdObject)
          Creates a string array that contains network parameters (in the JVM '-Dname=value' format) specified in a given installation descriptor object.
static String InstallationController.buildComponentClassPath(String compRootDirPath, InstallationDescriptor insdObject, boolean addLibDir)
          Creates a string that should be added to the CLASSPATH for a given installed component associated with a given installation descriptor object.
static String InstallationController.buildComponentPath(String compRootDirPath, InstallationDescriptor insdObject)
          Creates a string that should be added to the SPATH for a given installed component associated with a given installation descriptor object.
static String InstallationController.buildListOfEnvVars(InstallationDescriptor insdObject)
          Creates a string that contains the list of environment variables settings (in the JVM '-Dname=value' format) included in a given installation descriptor object.
static String InstallationController.buildListOfNetworkParams(InstallationDescriptor insdObject)
          Creates a string that contains network parameters (in the JVM '-Dname=value' format) specified in a given installation descriptor object.
static Properties InstallationController.buildTableOfEnvVars(InstallationDescriptor insdObject)
          Creates a Properties table that contains (name, value) pairs of environment variables settings for a given installation descriptor object.
static boolean LocalInstallationAgent.checkPackageConfig(Properties packageConfig, InstallationDescriptor insdObject)
          Checks that a specified PEAR configuration corresponds to a given installation descriptor.
static void InstallationProcessor.generateVSDescriptor(InstallationDescriptor insdObject, File mainRootDir)
          Generates default Vinci Service descriptor for a specified component, and puts it to a specified location.
static InputStream InstallationProcessor.generateVSDescriptorAsStream(InstallationDescriptor insdObject)
          Generates default Vinci Service descriptor for a specified component, and returns the content of the descriptor as a stream (for Eclipse plug-in).
protected static String InstallationProcessor.generateVSDescriptorContent(InstallationDescriptor insdObject)
          Generates the default Vinci Service descriptor content for a specified component.
static InputStream InstallationDescriptorHandler.getInstallationDescriptorAsStream(InstallationDescriptor insdObject)
          Returns the content of the installation descriptor XML file for a given intallation descriptor object as InputStream object (for use in Eclipse plug-in).
static void LocalInstallationAgent.localizeComponentFile(File file, InstallationDescriptor insdObject, Properties packageConfig)
          Performs localization of a given component file using information from a given installation descriptor and a specified PEAR configuration.
static void LocalInstallationAgent.localizeInstallationDescriptor(InstallationDescriptor insdObject, Properties packageConfig)
          Performs localization of a given installation descriptor object using information from a specified PEAR configuration.
static void InstallationDescriptorHandler.printInstallationDescriptor(InstallationDescriptor insdObject, PrintWriter oWriter)
          Prints a given InstallationDescriptor object in XML format to a given PrintWriter.
static void InstallationDescriptorHandler.saveInstallationDescriptor(InstallationDescriptor insdObject, File xmlFile)
          Saves a given InstallationDescriptor object in a given XML file.

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