Class PackageInstaller

  extended by

public class PackageInstaller
extends Object

The PackageInstaller class is the main user API for installing PEAR packages. The class has a static method installPackage to install PEAR packages that returns a PackageBrowser object containing all the needed information about the installed PEAR package.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static PackageBrowser installPackage(File installDir, File pearPackage, boolean verify)
          Installs the specified PEAR package to the specified install location.
static PackageBrowser installPackage(File installDir, File pearPackage, boolean verify, boolean cleanInstallDir)
          Installs the specified PEAR package to the specified install location.
static PackageBrowser installPackage(File installDir, File pearPackage, boolean verify, boolean cleanInstallDir, boolean installToTopLevelDir)
          Installs the specified PEAR package to the specified install location.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PackageInstaller()
Method Detail


public static PackageBrowser installPackage(File installDir,
                                            File pearPackage,
                                            boolean verify)
                                     throws PackageInstallerException
Installs the specified PEAR package to the specified install location. After the installation is completed, an optional installation verification step can be executed. This verification uses the main component descriptor to instantiate the UIMA resource, encapsulated in the PEAR package, and may run some additional tests, if applicable

installDir - PEAR package install location
pearPackage - PEAR package file location to install
verify - If true the PEAR package verification is done after the installation
Returns a PackageBrowser object containing all PEAR package install settings
PackageInstallerException - If an error occurred during the pear installation or verification.


public static PackageBrowser installPackage(File installDir,
                                            File pearPackage,
                                            boolean verify,
                                            boolean cleanInstallDir)
                                     throws PackageInstallerException
Installs the specified PEAR package to the specified install location. After the installation is completed, an optional installation verification step can be executed. This verification uses the main component descriptor to instantiate the UIMA resource, encapsulated in the PEAR package, and may run some additional tests, if applicable

installDir - PEAR package install location
pearPackage - PEAR package file location to install
verify - If true the PEAR package verification is done after the installation
cleanInstallDir - If true, the target installation directory will be cleaned before the PEAR file is installed.
Returns a PackageBrowser object containing all PEAR package install settings
PackageInstallerException - If an error occurred during the pear installation or verification.


public static PackageBrowser installPackage(File installDir,
                                            File pearPackage,
                                            boolean verify,
                                            boolean cleanInstallDir,
                                            boolean installToTopLevelDir)
                                     throws PackageInstallerException
Installs the specified PEAR package to the specified install location. After the installation is completed, an optional installation verification step can be executed. This verification uses the main component descriptor to instantiate the UIMA resource, encapsulated in the PEAR package, and may run some additional tests, if applicable.

installDir - PEAR package install location
pearPackage - PEAR package file location to install
verify - If true the PEAR package verification is done after the installation
cleanInstallDir - If true, the target installation directory will be cleaned before the PEAR file is installed.
installToTopLevelDir - If true, the PEAR is installed directly into the installDir. No intermediate directory with the component name is created. Defaults to false in the overloads of this method.
Returns a PackageBrowser object containing all PEAR package install settings
PackageInstallerException - If an error occurred during the pear installation or verification.

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