Class TOP

  extended by org.apache.uima.cas.impl.FeatureStructureImpl
      extended by org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, FeatureStructure
Direct Known Subclasses:
AnnotationBase, BooleanArray, ByteArray, DoubleArray, FloatArray, FloatList, FSArray, FSList, IntegerArray, IntegerList, LongArray, ShortArray, Sofa, StringArray, StringList

public class TOP
extends org.apache.uima.cas.impl.FeatureStructureImpl

The Java Class model corresponding to the Cas TOP type. This type is the super type of all feature structures. This type implements FeatureStructure since subclasses of it are the FSs generated by this system.

Field Summary
protected  int addr
          used to reference the corresponding Cas instance
 TOP_Type jcasType
          used to reference the corresponding TOP_Type instance
static int type
static int typeIndexID
          Each cover class when loaded sets an index.
Constructor Summary
protected TOP()
  TOP(int addr, TOP_Type jcasType)
          (Internal) make a new instance of TOP, linking it with a pre-existing Cas FeatureStructure object.
  TOP(JCas jcas)
          (Internal) create a new instance of TOP (or subclass of TOP) in Java and Cas, and make them correspond.
Method Summary
 void addToIndexes()
          add the corresponding FeatureStructure to all Cas indexes
 void addToIndexes(JCas jcas)
 boolean equals(Object o)
          A feature structure is equal to another feature structure iff it is identical in the underlying representation.
 int getAddress()
 CAS getCAS()
          Return the CAS that this FS belongs to.
 org.apache.uima.cas.impl.CASImpl getCASImpl()
 org.apache.uima.cas.impl.LowLevelCAS getLowLevelCas()
 int getTypeIndexID()
          used to obtain reference to the TOP_Type instance
 int hashCode()
          Will return a hash code that's consistent with equality, i.e., if two FSs are equal, they will also return the same hash code.
 void removeFromIndexes()
          remove the corresponding FeatureStructure from all Cas indexes
 void removeFromIndexes(JCas jcas)
Methods inherited from class org.apache.uima.cas.impl.FeatureStructureImpl
clone, getBooleanValue, getByteValue, getDoubleValue, getFeatureValue, getFeatureValueAsString, getFloatValue, getIntValue, getLongValue, getShortValue, getStringValue, getType, prettyPrint, prettyPrint, prettyPrint, setBooleanValue, setByteValue, setDoubleValue, setFeatureValue, setFeatureValueFromString, setFloatValue, setIntValue, setLongValue, setShortValue, setStringValue, toString, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int typeIndexID
Each cover class when loaded sets an index. Used in the JCas typeArray to go from the cover class or class instance to the corresponding instance of the _Type class


public static final int type


public TOP_Type jcasType
used to reference the corresponding TOP_Type instance


protected final int addr
used to reference the corresponding Cas instance

Constructor Detail


protected TOP()


public TOP(int addr,
           TOP_Type jcasType)
(Internal) make a new instance of TOP, linking it with a pre-existing Cas FeatureStructure object. Note: this function invoked via the generator in TOP_Type whenever the CAS needs to make a java instance


public TOP(JCas jcas)
(Internal) create a new instance of TOP (or subclass of TOP) in Java and Cas, and make them correspond.

Method Detail


public int getTypeIndexID()
used to obtain reference to the TOP_Type instance

the type array index


public void addToIndexes()
add the corresponding FeatureStructure to all Cas indexes


public void addToIndexes(JCas jcas)


public void removeFromIndexes()
remove the corresponding FeatureStructure from all Cas indexes


public void removeFromIndexes(JCas jcas)


public int getAddress()
Specified by:
getAddress in class org.apache.uima.cas.impl.FeatureStructureImpl


public org.apache.uima.cas.impl.CASImpl getCASImpl()
Specified by:
getCASImpl in class org.apache.uima.cas.impl.FeatureStructureImpl


public CAS getCAS()
Description copied from interface: FeatureStructure
Return the CAS that this FS belongs to.

The CAS.


public org.apache.uima.cas.impl.LowLevelCAS getLowLevelCas()


public boolean equals(Object o)
Description copied from interface: FeatureStructure
A feature structure is equal to another feature structure iff it is identical in the underlying representation.

Specified by:
equals in interface FeatureStructure
equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
Description copied from interface: FeatureStructure
Will return a hash code that's consistent with equality, i.e., if two FSs are equal, they will also return the same hash code.

Specified by:
hashCode in interface FeatureStructure
hashCode in class Object
The hash code.

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