Class XCASDeserializer

  extended by org.apache.uima.cas.impl.XCASDeserializer

public class XCASDeserializer
extends Object

XCAS Deserializer. Takes an XCAS and reads it into a CAS.

Constructor Summary
XCASDeserializer(TypeSystem ts)
XCASDeserializer(TypeSystem ts, UimaContext uimaContext)
          Create a new deserializer from a type system.
Method Summary
static void deserialize(InputStream aStream, CAS aCAS)
          Deserializes an XCAS from a stream.
static void deserialize(InputStream aStream, CAS aCAS, boolean aLenient)
          Deserializes an XCAS from a stream.
 String getDocumentTypeName()
          Gets the name of the type representing the document.
 org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler getXCASHandler(CAS cas)
          Create a default handler for deserializing an XCAS into the cas parameter.
 org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler getXCASHandler(CAS cas, org.apache.uima.cas.impl.OutOfTypeSystemData outOfTypeSystemData)
          Create a default handler for deserializing an XCAS into the cas parameter.
 void setDocumentTypeName(String aDocTypeName)
          Gets the name of the type representing the document.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XCASDeserializer(TypeSystem ts,
                        UimaContext uimaContext)
Create a new deserializer from a type system. Note: all CAS arguments later supplied to getXCASHandler() must have this type system as their type system.

ts - The type system of the CASes to be deserialized.


public XCASDeserializer(TypeSystem ts)
Method Detail


public org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler getXCASHandler(CAS cas)
Create a default handler for deserializing an XCAS into the cas parameter.

Warning: for efficiency reasons, the deserializer does not do much type checking for features and their values. It is expected that the incoming XCAS conforms to the type system provided. If it doesn't, the results are undefined.

cas - This CAS will be used to hold the data of the serialized XCAS.
The DefaultHandler to pass to the SAX parser.


public org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler getXCASHandler(CAS cas,
                                                         org.apache.uima.cas.impl.OutOfTypeSystemData outOfTypeSystemData)
Create a default handler for deserializing an XCAS into the cas parameter. This version causes the deserializer to store out-of-typesystem data for later use. (APL)

Warning: for efficiency reasons, the deserializer does not do much type checking for features and their values. It is expected that the incoming XCAS conforms to the type system provided. If it doesn't, the results are undefined.

cas - This CAS will be used to hold the data of the serialized XCAS.
outOfTypeSystemData - An object that stores FSs that do not conform to the CAS's type system
The DefaultHandler to pass to the SAX parser.


public String getDocumentTypeName()
Gets the name of the type representing the document. This will become the name of the XML element that will hold the document text.

the document type name


public void setDocumentTypeName(String aDocTypeName)
Gets the name of the type representing the document. This will become the name of the XML element that will hold the document text. If not set, defaults to XCASSerializer.DEFAULT_DOC_TYPE_NAME.

aDocTypeName - the document type name


public static void deserialize(InputStream aStream,
                               CAS aCAS)
                        throws SAXException,
Deserializes an XCAS from a stream. By default this is not lenient, meaning that if the XCAS references Types that are not in the Type System, an Exception will be thrown. Use deserialize(InputStream,CAS,boolean) to turn on lenient mode and ignore any unknown types.

aStream - input stream from which to read the XCAS XML document
aCAS - CAS into which to deserialize. This CAS must be set up with a type system that is compatible with that in the XCAS
SAXException - if an XML Parsing error occurs
IOException - if an I/O failure occurs


public static void deserialize(InputStream aStream,
                               CAS aCAS,
                               boolean aLenient)
                        throws SAXException,
Deserializes an XCAS from a stream.

aStream - input stream from which to read the XCAS XML document
aCAS - CAS into which to deserialize. This CAS must be set up with a type system that is compatible with that in the XCAS.
aLenient - if true, unknown Types will be ignored. If false, unknown Types will cause an exception. The default is false.
SAXException - if an XML Parsing error occurs
IOException - if an I/O failure occurs

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