Interface TypeSystemMgr

All Superinterfaces:

public interface TypeSystemMgr
extends TypeSystem

Writable version of type system.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.uima.cas.TypeSystem
Method Summary
 Feature addFeature(String featureName, Type domainType, Type rangeType)
          Add an feature to the type system.
 Feature addFeature(String featureName, Type domainType, Type rangeType, boolean multipleReferencesAllowed)
          Add an feature to the type system.
 Type addStringSubtype(String typeName, String[] stringList)
          Inherit from String.
 Type addType(String typeName, Type mother)
          Add a new type to the type system.
 void commit()
          Commit the type system.
 boolean isCommitted()
          Check if this instance has been committed.
 void setFeatureFinal(Type type)
          Make type feature final in the sense that no new features can be added to this type.
 void setInheritanceFinal(Type type)
          Block any further inheritance from this type.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.cas.TypeSystem
getArrayType, getDirectlySubsumedTypes, getDirectSubtypes, getFeatureByFullName, getFeatures, getLowLevelTypeSystem, getParent, getProperlySubsumedTypes, getTopType, getType, getTypeIterator, getTypeNameSpace, subsumes

Method Detail


Type addType(String typeName,
             Type mother)
             throws CASAdminException
Add a new type to the type system.

typeName - The name of the new type.
mother - The type node under which the new type should be attached. This must not be null.
The new type, or null if typeName is already in use (so check for null return values).
CASAdminException - If typeName is not a legal type name, type system is locked, or mother is inheritance final.


Type addStringSubtype(String typeName,
                      String[] stringList)
                      throws CASAdminException
Inherit from String. The only way you can inherit from String is by providing a restriction to a set of strings that are possible values for features of this type. This restriction will be checked when such feature values are set. Note that you can not introduce any features on such types, nor can you subtype them any further.

typeName - The name of the type to be created.
stringList - The list of legal string values for this string type.
The resulting type, or null if the type is already defined.
CASAdminException - If the type system is locked.


Feature addFeature(String featureName,
                   Type domainType,
                   Type rangeType)
                   throws CASAdminException
Add an feature to the type system.

featureName - The name of the new feature.
domainType - The type that defines the domain of the feature.
rangeType - The type that defines the range of the feature.
The new feature object, or null if featureName is already in use for domainType with the same range (if the range is different, an exception is thrown).
CASAdminException - If featureName is not a legal feature name, the type system is locked or domainType is feature final. Also if featureName has already been defined on domainType (or a supertype) with a different range than rangeType.


Feature addFeature(String featureName,
                   Type domainType,
                   Type rangeType,
                   boolean multipleReferencesAllowed)
                   throws CASAdminException
Add an feature to the type system.

featureName - The name of the new feature.
domainType - The type that defines the domain of the feature.
rangeType - The type that defines the range of the feature.
multipleReferencesAllowed - If the rangeType is an array type, you can use this flag to enforce that the feature value is not referenced anywhere else. This is currently only used for XMI serialization. Defaults to true.
The new feature object, or null if featureName is already in use for domainType with the same range (if the range is different, an exception is thrown).
CASAdminException - If featureName is not a legal feature name, the type system is locked or domainType is feature final. Also if featureName has already been defined on domainType (or a supertype) with a different range than rangeType.


void commit()
Commit the type system. The type system will be locked and no longer writable. WARNING: Users should not call this, but instead call ((CASImpl) theAssociatedCAS).commitTypeSystem() in order to set up the parts of the CAS that should be set up when the type system is committed.


boolean isCommitted()
Check if this instance has been committed.

true iff this instance has been committed.


void setFeatureFinal(Type type)
Make type feature final in the sense that no new features can be added to this type. Note that making a type feature final automatically makes all ancestors of that type feature final as well.

type - The type to be made feature final.


void setInheritanceFinal(Type type)
Block any further inheritance from this type. Does not mean that the type can have no sub-types, just that no new ones can be introduced.

type -

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