Interface FSTypeConstraint

All Superinterfaces:
FSConstraint, FSMatchConstraint, Serializable

public interface FSTypeConstraint
extends FSMatchConstraint

Interface for type constraint. Tests if a feature structure is a subtype of a given type (or types).

You can add as many types to this constraint as you like. If you add more than one type, they will be interpreted disjunctively; i.e., the constraint will match any feature structure whose type is subsumed by one of the types of the constraint.

these constraints may be embedded in a path, or combined using and/or operators.

To use the constraint, invoke its FSMatchConstraint.match(FeatureStructure) method, passing the feature structure to test.

You can also use these constraints to construct a CAS.createFilteredIterator(FSIterator, FSMatchConstraint).

Method Summary
 void add(String type)
          Add a new type to this type constraint.
 void add(Type type)
          Add a new type to this type constraint.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.cas.FSMatchConstraint

Method Detail


void add(Type type)
Add a new type to this type constraint. This method can be called more than once. Multiple types will be interpreted disjunctively.

type - A type that should be permitted by this constraint.


void add(String type)
Add a new type to this type constraint. This method can be called more than once. Multiple types will be interpreted disjunctively.

type - A fully qualified type name that should be permitted by this constraint.

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