Interface FSBooleanConstraint

All Superinterfaces:
FSConstraint, Serializable

public interface FSBooleanConstraint
extends FSConstraint

Interface for a boolean constraint. A boolean constraint contains a single condition, either true or false. To set the condition, use

To use the constraint, invoke its match(boolean) method, passing the value to test. You can also embed this test with a path specification, using the ConstraintFactory.embedConstraint(FeaturePath, FSConstraint) method, and use it to test feature structures, or combine it with other tests using the ConstraintFactory.and(FSMatchConstraint, FSMatchConstraint) and ConstraintFactory.or(FSMatchConstraint, FSMatchConstraint) methods.

Method Summary
 void eq(boolean condition)
          Set the constraint.
 boolean match(boolean condition)
          Check the condition.

Method Detail


void eq(boolean condition)
Set the constraint.

condition - The condition that needs to be matched to satisfy the constraint.


boolean match(boolean condition)
Check the condition.

condition - Value to compare with the condition.
True if value and constraint are equal, false else.

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