Interface BaseAnnotator

All Known Subinterfaces:
GenericAnnotator, JTextAnnotator, TextAnnotator
All Known Implementing Classes:
Annotator_ImplBase, GenericAnnotator_ImplBase, JTextAnnotator_ImplBase

public interface BaseAnnotator

Base interface for annotators in UIMA SDK v1.x. As of v2.0, annotators should extend CasAnnotator_ImplBase or JCasAnnotator_ImplBase.

Method Summary
 void destroy()
          Frees all resources held by this annotator.
 void initialize(AnnotatorContext aContext)
          Performs any startup tasks required by this annotator.
 void reconfigure()
          Alerts this annotator that the values of its configuration parameters or external resources have changed.
 void typeSystemInit(TypeSystem aTypeSystem)
          Informs this annotator that the CAS TypeSystem has changed.

Method Detail


void initialize(AnnotatorContext aContext)
                throws AnnotatorInitializationException,
Performs any startup tasks required by this annotator. The Analysis Engine calls this method only once, just after an Annotator has been instantiated.

The Analysis Engine supplies this annotator with a reference to the AnnotatorContext that it will use. This annotator should store a reference to its this object for later use.

aContext - Provides access to external resources that may be used by this annotator. This includes configuration parameters, logging and instrumentation services, and access to external analysis resources.
AnnotatorInitializationException - if the annotator cannot initialize itself.
AnnotatorConfigurationException - if the configuration specified for this annotator is invalid.


void typeSystemInit(TypeSystem aTypeSystem)
                    throws AnnotatorInitializationException,
Informs this annotator that the CAS TypeSystem has changed. The Analysis Engine calls this method immediately following the call to initialize(AnnotatorContext), and will call it again whenever the CAS TypeSystem changes.

In this method, the Annotator should use the TypeSystem to resolve the names of Type and Features to the actual Type and Feature objects, which can then be used during processing.

AnnotatorInitializationException - if the annotator cannot initialize itself.
AnnotatorConfigurationException - if the configuration specified for this annotator is invalid.


void reconfigure()
                 throws AnnotatorConfigurationException,
Alerts this annotator that the values of its configuration parameters or external resources have changed. This annotator should take appropriate action to reconfigure itself.

It is suggested that annotators implement this efficiently, but it is not required. Annotators may implement a "dumb" reconfigure by calling destroy followed by initialize and typeSystemInit.

AnnotatorConfigurationException - if the configuration specified for this annotator is invalid.
AnnotatorInitializationException - if the annotator fails to reinitialize itself based on the new configuration.


void destroy()
Frees all resources held by this annotator. The Analysis Engine calls this method only once, when it is finished using this annotator.

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