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uima Directory Reference


file  annotator_abase.hpp
 . Contains Annotator a abstract base class four the Annotator object
file  annotator_context.hpp
 . Contains class uima::AnnotatorContext Description: The AnnotatorContext object provides access to the configuration parameters for the Annotator. It also provides access to the framework log facility. Use uima::Annotator::getAnnotatorContext() to instantiate a CAS
file  assertmsg.h
 . An extension of the assert routine to print a message on failure
file  capability.hpp
 . Contains class uima::Capability
file  casdefinition.hpp
 . Class holding type system and index definitions
file  casiterator.hpp
file  caswriter_abase.hpp
 . An abstract base class for CAS writers
file  ccsid.hpp
 . Contains CCSID a class to represent a CCSID (Coded Character Set Identifiers)
file  comp_ids.h
 . Component Ids for UIMACPP trace facility
file  config_param.hpp
 . MetaDataObjects for configuration parameters and values
file  configure.h
 . Contains compiler dependent configuration defines.
file  consoleui.hpp
 . A Console User Interface class
file  cp2ucnvrt.hpp
 . Contains CodePage2UnicodeConverter a class to convert from different codepages to UNICODE
file  dirwalk.hpp
 . a classs to iterate the entries of a directory in the file system
file  dllfile.hpp
 . the class DllProcLoaderFile is used to maintain dynamic link libraries
file  dottypesystemwriter.hpp
 . Contains class DotTypeSystemWriter
file  endian.h
 . Macros to convert endianess
file  engine.hpp
 . Contains Engine the central UIMACPP Engine object
file  engine_state.hpp
 . Contains EngineState a class to maintain the state of the egine, i.e. what is next
file  envvar.hpp
 . a class to access (but not modify) environment variables
file  envvars.h
 . All UIMACPP Environment Variables
file  err_ids.h
 . Contains all UIMACPP error Ids.
file  exceptions.hpp
 . This file contains the base class for all exceptions used in UIMACPP.
file  filename.hpp
 . A filename class
file  ftools.hpp
 . Assorted tools for file manipulation/management.
file  importdescription.hpp
 . Contains class uima::ImportDescription
file  language.hpp
 . Contains the Language class
file  location.hpp
 . A filename class
file  log.hpp
 . Contains LogFacility a logging facility for (Annotator) users
file  macros.h
 . Common Macros
file  pragmas.hpp
 . Contains pragmas to be included in each file
file  res_abase.hpp
 . Contains ResourceABase
file  res_annotator.hpp
 . Contains ResourceAnnotatorFile
file  resmgr.hpp
 . UIMACPP Resource Manager ResourceManager
file  result_specification.hpp
 . Contains uima::ResultSpecification
file  sofamapping.hpp
 . Contains class uima::SofaMapping
file  strconvert.hpp
 . Contains various string conversion routines (e.g. string2Long)
file  taemetadata.hpp
 . Contains uima::MetaDataObject
file  taespecifier.hpp
 . Contains uima::FSIndexKeyDescription, uima::FSIndexDescription, uima::AnalysisEngineMetaData uima::AnalysisEngineDescription etc.
file  taespecifierbuilder.hpp
 . Contains uima::TextAnalysisEngineSpecifierBuilder
file  text.h
 . Types and operations for text C strings (Support for UNICODE, SBCS and DBCS)
file  timedatetools.hpp
 . Contains Timer and timing tool functions/macros
file  token_properties.hpp
 . Contains TokenProperties a class encapsulting information about the characters occuring in a token
file  trace.hpp
 . A Trace class
file  types.h
 . Contains types definitions used throughout UIMACPP
file  typesystemdescription.hpp
 . Contains classes uima::TypeDescription uima::FeatureDescription and uima::TypeSystemDescription
file  u2cpcnvrt.hpp
 . Contains Unicode2CodePageConverter a class to convert from UNICODE to several other codepages
file  unistrref.hpp
 . Shallow string object consisting of a pair of string pointer and a length

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