Interface IServiceReply

  • public interface IServiceReply
    This interface defines the reply structure returned by the various invocations of the DuccServiceApi methods.
    • Method Detail

      • getReturnCode

        boolean getReturnCode()
        This method indicates whether the associated services verb was successful.
        true if the action was successful; false otherwise.
      • getMessage

        String getMessage()
        If there was an informational or error message associated with the action, this method is used to return it.
        Return the message as a String. If the action was successful as indicated by getReturnCode() this message may be null.
      • getEndpoint

        String getEndpoint()
        This returns the service endpoint that was operated upon. API uses may use this to verify the correct endpoint for their action. For some actions, if getReturnCode() is null this method may return null.
        A string, containing the service endpoint, or NULL.
      • getId

        long getId()
        Return the uniqud numeric ID assigned by the service manager for this service. If the action is "register" and the service manager is unable to register the service, the return code will be returned false, a reason will be returned in getMessage(), and the id will be returned as -1.
        A number, unique to this service.
      • getServiceDescriptions

        List<IServiceDescription> getServiceDescriptions()
        This returns null for non-query events. For query events, this returns a list of the services known to the service manager, as filtered by the query parameters.
        A list of services known to the service manager for query events, null otherwise.

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