
Class RmAdminQLoadReply

    • Constructor Detail

      • RmAdminQLoadReply

        public RmAdminQLoadReply()
    • Method Detail

      • setShareQuantum

        public void setShareQuantum(long q)
      • getShareQuantum

        public long getShareQuantum()
        the share quantum currently being used by RM.
      • isReady

        public boolean isReady()
        isReady in class RmAdminReply
        True if RM is able to schedule and be queried, false otherwise. If the RM is not yet ready to schedule, e.g. immediately after boot or reconfigure, this method will return false.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        The compact format creates a Python structure of this form: A dictionary with these keys: quantum value is a single integer classes value is a list of dictionaries describing demand with these keys name value is string, the name of the class policy value is the scheduling policy requested value is a list of integers awarded value is a list of integers nodepools value is a list of dictionaries describing a node pool with these keys name value is the namne of the nodepool online value is an integer dead value is an integer offline value is an integer total-shares value is an integer free-shares value is an integer all-machines value is a list of integers online-machines value is a list of integers free-machines value is a list of integers virtual-machines value is a list of integers
        toString in class Object

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