
Class DuccAdminEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • DuccAdminEvent

        protected DuccAdminEvent(String user,
                                 byte[] auth_block)
        Create a request to send to DUCC.
        user - This is the id of the user making the request.
        auth_block - This is the authentication block as returned by Crypto. The receiver will validate the messsage and if the auth_block does not match what receiver expects, the request is denied. Nota that this is NOT intended to provide foolproof security. It's only intention is to provde basic authentication of the user (is the user who he claims to be?).
    • Method Detail

      • getUser

        public String getUser()
        - the id of the user making the request.
      • getAuthBlock

        public byte[] getAuthBlock()
        the authentication block for the request.

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