
Class DuccManagedReservationSubmit

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DuccManagedReservationSubmit
    extends CliBase
    Submit a DUCC Managed Reservation. A Managed Reservation is a single arbitray process running in a non-preemptable share.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DuccManagedReservationSubmit

        public DuccManagedReservationSubmit(String[] args)
                                     throws Exception
        args - List of string arguments as described in the Command Line Interface section of the DuccBook
        Exception - if request fails
      • DuccManagedReservationSubmit

        public DuccManagedReservationSubmit(ArrayList<String> args)
                                     throws Exception
        args - Array of string arguments as described in the Command Line Interface section of the DuccBook
        Exception - if request fails
      • DuccManagedReservationSubmit

        public DuccManagedReservationSubmit(Properties props)
                                     throws Exception
        props - Properties file of arguments, as described in the Command Line Interface section of the DuccBook
        Exception - if request fails
      • DuccManagedReservationSubmit

        public DuccManagedReservationSubmit(String[] args,
                                            IDuccCallback consoleCb)
                                     throws Exception
        This form of the constructor allows the API user to capture messages, rather than directing them to stdout.
        args - Array of string arguments as described in the Command Line Interface section of the DuccBook
        consoleCb - If provided, messages are directed to it instead of stdout.
        Exception - if request fails
      • DuccManagedReservationSubmit

        public DuccManagedReservationSubmit(ArrayList<String> args,
                                            IDuccCallback consoleCb)
                                     throws Exception
        This form of the constructor allows the API user to capture messages, rather than directing them to stdout.
        args - List of string arguments as described in the Command Line Interface section of the DuccBook
        consoleCb - If provided, messages are directed to it instead of stdout.
        Exception - if request fails
      • DuccManagedReservationSubmit

        public DuccManagedReservationSubmit(Properties props,
                                            IDuccCallback consoleCb)
                                     throws Exception
        This form of the constructor allows the API user to capture messages, rather than directing them to stdout.
        props - Properties file contianing string arguments as described in the Command Line Interface section of the DuccBook
        consoleCb - If provided, messages are directed to it instead of stdout.
        Exception - if request fails
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public boolean execute()
                        throws Exception
        Execute collects the job parameters, does basic error and correctness checking, and sends the job properties to the DUCC orchestrator for execution.
        Specified by:
        execute in class CliBase
        True if the orchestrator accepts the job; false otherwise.
        Exception - if request fails
      • main

        public static void main(String[] args)
        Main method, as used by the executable jar or direct java invocation.
        args - arguments as described in the DUCC CLI reference.

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