2016/05/28 - Apache Tuscany has been retired.

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Class NodeFactoryImpl

  extended by org.apache.tuscany.sca.node.SCANodeFactory
      extended by org.apache.tuscany.sca.node.impl.NodeFactoryImpl

public class NodeFactoryImpl
extends SCANodeFactory

Default implementation of an SCA node factory.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.tuscany.sca.node.SCANodeFactory
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 SCANode createSCANode(java.lang.String compositeURI, SCAContribution... contributions)
          Creates a new SCA node.
 SCANode createSCANode(java.lang.String compositeURI, java.lang.String compositeContent, SCAContribution... contributions)
          Creates a new SCA node.
 SCANode createSCANodeFromClassLoader(java.lang.String compositeURI, java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
          Create a SCA node based on the discovery of the contribution on the classpath for the given classloader.
 SCANode createSCANodeFromURL(java.lang.String configurationURI)
          Creates a new SCA node from the configuration URL
Methods inherited from class org.apache.tuscany.sca.node.SCANodeFactory
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NodeFactoryImpl()
Method Detail


public SCANode createSCANodeFromClassLoader(java.lang.String compositeURI,
                                            java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
Description copied from class: SCANodeFactory
Create a SCA node based on the discovery of the contribution on the classpath for the given classloader. This method should be treated a convinient shortcut with the following assumptions:

Specified by:
createSCANodeFromClassLoader in class SCANodeFactory
compositeURI - The URI of the composite file relative to the root of the enclosing contribution
classLoader - The ClassLoader used to load the composite file as a resource. If the value is null, then thread context classloader will be used
A newly created SCA node


public SCANode createSCANodeFromURL(java.lang.String configurationURI)
Description copied from class: SCANodeFactory
Creates a new SCA node from the configuration URL

Specified by:
createSCANodeFromURL in class SCANodeFactory
configurationURI - the URL of the node configuration which is the ATOM feed that contains the URI of the composite and a collection of URLs for the contributions
a new SCA node.


public SCANode createSCANode(java.lang.String compositeURI,
                             SCAContribution... contributions)
Description copied from class: SCANodeFactory
Creates a new SCA node.

Specified by:
createSCANode in class SCANodeFactory
compositeURI - the URI of the composite to use
contributions - the URI of the contributions that provides the composites and related artifacts. If the list is empty, then we will use the thread context classloader to discover the contribution on the classpath
a new SCA node.


public SCANode createSCANode(java.lang.String compositeURI,
                             java.lang.String compositeContent,
                             SCAContribution... contributions)
Description copied from class: SCANodeFactory
Creates a new SCA node.

Specified by:
createSCANode in class SCANodeFactory
compositeURI - the URI of the composite to use
compositeContent - the XML content of the composite to use
contributions - the URI of the contributions that provides the composites and related artifacts
a new SCA node.