2016/05/28 - Apache Tuscany has been retired.

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Package org.apache.tuscany.sca.databinding.impl

Class Summary
BaseDataBinding Base Implementation of DataBinding
BaseTransformer<S,T> Base Implementation of Transformer which provides the registration to the transformer registry
DirectedGraph<V,E> Directed, weighted graph
DOMHelper Helper for DOM
Group2GroupTransformer This is a special transformer to transform the output from one IDL to the other one
GroupDataBinding The base class for a special databinding which represents a group of other databindings
Java2SimpleTypeTransformer<T> Transformer to convert data from a simple java object to a databinding's representation
MediatorImpl Default Mediator implementation
PipedTransformer<S,I,R> A utility class to connect PushTransformer and DataPipe to create a PullTransformer
SimpleType2JavaTransformer<T> Transformer to convert data from a databinding's representation of simple types to Java Objects
SimpleTypeMapperImpl Simple type mapper that maps from XSD types to Java Classes and Java Classes to XSD types.
XSDDataTypeConverter Utility class for XSD data type conversions

Utility class for xs:hexbinary.


An instance of Format, which may be used to parse and format xs:dateTime values.
