
Traffic Server Software Developer's Kit


Table of Contents

How to Use This Book
Typographical Conventions

The Traffic Server Software Developer's Kit is a reference for creating plugins. Plugins are programs that add services (such as filtering or content transformation) or entire features (such as new protocol support) to Traffic Server. If you are new to writing Traffic Server plugins, then read the first two chapters, Getting Started and Creating Traffic Server Plugins, and use the remaining chapters as needed. Header-Based Plugin Examples provides details about plugins that work on HTTP headers, while HTTP Transformation Plugins explains how to write a plugin that transforms or scans the body of an HTTP response. If you want to support your own protocol on Traffic Server, then reference New Protocol Plugins.


This manual is intended for programmers who want to write plugin programs that add services or features to Traffic Server. It assumes a cursory knowledge of the C programming language, Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME).