
Traffic Server Software Developers Kit

Chapter 9. Miscellaneous Interface Guide

Table of Contents

Debugging Functions
The INKfopen Family
Memory Allocation
Thread Functions

Most of the functions in the Traffic Server API provide an interface to specific code modules within Traffic Server. The miscellaneous functions described in this chapter provide some useful general capabilities. They are as follows:

While the C library already provides functions such as printf, malloc, and fopen to perform these tasks, the Traffic Server API versions overcome various C library limitations (such as portability to all Traffic Server-supported platforms).

Debugging Functions

  • INKDebug prints out a formatted statement if you are running Traffic Server in debug mode.

  • INKIsDebugTagSet checks to see if a debug tag is set. If the debug tag is set, then Traffic Server prints out any debug statements associated with the tag.

  • INKError prints error messages to Traffic Server’s error log

  • INKAssert enables the use of assertion in a plugin.

  • INKReleaseAssert enables the use of assertion in a plugin.