AbsoluteOrdering |
AbsoluteOrdering$JAXB |
ActivationConfig |
ActivationConfig$JAXB |
ActivationConfigProperty |
ActivationConfigProperty$JAXB |
ActivationSpec |
ActivationSpec$JAXB |
Adapters |
Addressing |
Addressing$JAXB |
AddressingResponses$JAXB |
AdminObject |
AdminObject$JAXB |
Application |
Application$JAXB |
ApplicationClient |
ApplicationClient$JAXB |
ApplicationException |
ApplicationException$JAXB |
AroundInvoke |
AroundInvoke$JAXB |
AroundTimeout |
AroundTimeout$JAXB |
AssemblyDescriptor |
AssemblyDescriptor$JAXB |
AsyncMethod |
AsyncMethod$JAXB |
AuthConstraint |
AuthConstraint$JAXB |
AuthenticationMechanism |
AuthenticationMechanism$JAXB |
Beans |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Beans.Alternatives |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Beans.Scan |
Beans.Scan.Exclude |
Beans.Scan.Exclude.ClassCondition |
Beans.Scan.Exclude.IfAvailableClassCondition |
Beans.Scan.Exclude.IfNotAvailableClassCondition |
Beans.Scan.Exclude.IfSystemProperty |
BodyContent$JAXB |
BooleanAdapter |
CmpField |
CmpField$JAXB |
CmpVersion$JAXB |
CmrField |
CmrField$JAXB |
CmrFieldType$JAXB |
ConcurrencyManagementType$JAXB |
ConcurrentLockType$JAXB |
ConcurrentMethod |
ConcurrentMethod$JAXB |
ConfigProperty |
ConfigProperty$JAXB |
ConnectionDefinition |
ConnectionDefinition$JAXB |
Connector |
Connector$JAXB |
Connector10 |
class for adapting connector 1.0 ra.xml to our jaxb class tree
ConstructorParameterOrder |
ConstructorParameterOrder$JAXB |
ContainerConcurrency |
ContainerConcurrency$JAXB |
ContainerTransaction |
ContainerTransaction$JAXB |
CookieConfig |
CookieConfig$JAXB |
DataSource |
DataSource$JAXB |
DependsOn |
Description |
The description type is used by a description element to
provide text describing the parent element.
DestinationType |
DestinationType$JAXB |
Dispatcher$JAXB |
DisplayName |
The display-name type contains a short name that is intended
to be displayed by tools.
EjbJar |
EjbJar$JAXB |
EjbLocalRef |
EjbLocalRef$JAXB |
EjbRef |
EjbRef$JAXB |
EjbRefType$JAXB |
EjbRelation |
EjbRelation$JAXB |
EjbRelationshipRole |
EjbRelationshipRole$JAXB |
Empty |
Empty$JAXB |
EntityBean |
EntityBean$JAXB |
EnvEntry |
EnvEntry$JAXB |
ErrorPage |
ErrorPage$JAXB |
ExceptionMapping |
ExceptionMapping$JAXB |
ExcludeList |
ExcludeList$JAXB |
FacesAbsoluteOrdering |
FacesAbsoluteOrdering$JAXB |
FacesApplication |
FacesApplication$JAXB |
FacesApplicationExtension |
FacesApplicationExtension$JAXB |
FacesApplicationResourceBundle |
FacesApplicationResourceBundle$JAXB |
FacesAttribute |
FacesAttribute$JAXB |
FacesAttributeExtension |
FacesAttributeExtension$JAXB |
FacesBehavior |
FacesBehavior$JAXB |
FacesBehaviorExtension |
FacesBehaviorExtension$JAXB |
FacesClientBehaviorRenderer |
FacesClientBehaviorRenderer$JAXB |
FacesComponent |
FacesComponent$JAXB |
FacesComponentExtension |
FacesComponentExtension$JAXB |
FacesConfig |
FacesConfig$JAXB |
FacesConfigFlowDefinition |
Top level element for a flow
FacesConfigFlowDefinitionFacesMethodCall |
Invoke a method, passing parameters if necessary.
FacesConfigFlowDefinitionFacesMethodCallMethod |
Java class for faces-config-flow-definition-faces-method-call-methodType complex type.
FacesConfigFlowDefinitionFinalizer |
A MethodExpression that will be invoked when the flow is exited.
FacesConfigFlowDefinitionFlowCall |
Define a call node in a flow graph.
FacesConfigFlowDefinitionFlowCallFlowReference |
Identifiy the called flow.
FacesConfigFlowDefinitionFlowCallOutboundParameter |
A named parameter whose value will be
passed to a correspondingly named parameter within an "inbound-parameter" element
on the target flow.
FacesConfigFlowDefinitionFlowCallParameter |
A parameter to pass when calling the method
identified in the "method" element that is a sibling of this element.
FacesConfigFlowDefinitionFlowReturn |
Define a return node in a flow graph.
FacesConfigFlowDefinitionInboundParameter |
A named parameter whose value will be populated
with a correspondingly named parameter within an "outbound-parameter" element.
FacesConfigFlowDefinitionInitializer |
A MethodExpression that will be invoked when the flow is entered.
FacesConfigFlowDefinitionParameterValue |
FacesConfigFlowDefinitionSwitch |
Define a switch node in a flow graph.
FacesConfigFlowDefinitionSwitchCase |
Defines a case that will
be considered in the <switch> .
FacesConfigFlowDefinitionView |
Define a view node in a flow graph.
FacesConfigFromViewId |
value of from-view-id must contain one of the following
FacesConfigIf |
The "if" element defines a condition that must resolve
to true in order for the navigation case on which it is
defined to be matched, with the existing match criteria
(action method and outcome) as a prerequiste, if present.
FacesConfigNavigationRuleExtension |
Extension element for navigation-rule.
FacesConfigProtectedViews |
Any view that matches any of the
url-patterns in this element may only be reached from another JSF
view in the same web application.
FacesConfigRedirectRedirectParam |
The "redirect-param" element, only valid within
a "redirect" element, contains child "name"
and "value" elements that must be included in the
redirect url when the redirect is performed.
FacesConverter |
FacesConverter$JAXB |
FacesConverterExtension |
FacesConverterExtension$JAXB |
FacesDefaultLocale |
FacesDefaultLocale$JAXB |
FacesDefaultValidators |
FacesELExpression |
FacesELExpression$JAXB |
FacesExtension |
FacesExtension$JAXB |
FacesFacet |
FacesFacet$JAXB |
FacesFacetExtension |
FacesFacetExtension$JAXB |
FacesFactory |
FacesFactory$JAXB |
FacesFactoryExtension |
FacesFactoryExtension$JAXB |
FacesFromAction |
FacesFromAction$JAXB |
FacesLifecycle |
FacesLifecycle$JAXB |
FacesLifecycleExtension |
FacesLifecycleExtension$JAXB |
FacesListEntries |
FacesListEntries$JAXB |
FacesLocale |
FacesLocale$JAXB |
FacesLocaleConfig |
FacesLocaleConfig$JAXB |
FacesManagedBean |
FacesManagedBean$JAXB |
FacesManagedBeanExtension |
FacesManagedBeanExtension$JAXB |
FacesManagedProperty |
FacesManagedProperty$JAXB |
FacesMapEntries |
FacesMapEntries$JAXB |
FacesMapEntry |
FacesMapEntry$JAXB |
FacesNavigationCase |
FacesNavigationCase$JAXB |
FacesNavigationRule |
FacesNavigationRule$JAXB |
FacesNavigationRuleExtension |
FacesNavigationRuleExtension$JAXB |
FacesNullValue |
FacesNullValue$JAXB |
FacesOrdering |
FacesOrdering$JAXB |
FacesOrderingOrdering |
FacesOrderingOrdering$JAXB |
FacesOrderingOthers |
FacesOrderingOthers$JAXB |
FacesProperty |
FacesProperty$JAXB |
FacesPropertyExtension |
FacesPropertyExtension$JAXB |
FacesRedirect |
FacesRedirect$JAXB |
FacesRedirectViewParam |
FacesRedirectViewParam$JAXB |
FacesReferencedBean |
FacesReferencedBean$JAXB |
FacesRenderer |
FacesRenderer$JAXB |
FacesRendererExtension |
FacesRendererExtension$JAXB |
FacesRenderKit |
FacesRenderKit$JAXB |
FacesRenderKitExtension |
FacesRenderKitExtension$JAXB |
FacesSupportedLocale |
FacesSupportedLocale$JAXB |
FacesSystemEventListener |
FacesSystemEventListener$JAXB |
FacesValidator |
FacesValidator$JAXB |
FacesValidatorExtension |
FacesValidatorExtension$JAXB |
Filter |
Filter$JAXB |
FilterMapping |
FilterMapping$JAXB |
FormLoginConfig |
FormLoginConfig$JAXB |
Function |
Function$JAXB |
Handler |
Handler$JAXB |
HandlerChain |
HandlerChain$JAXB |
HandlerChains |
HandlerChains$JAXB |
HandlerChainsStringQNameAdapter |
Icon |
Icon$JAXB |
InboundResourceadapter |
InboundResourceadapter$JAXB |
InitMethod |
InitMethod$JAXB |
InjectionTarget |
InjectionTarget$JAXB |
Interceptor |
Interceptor$JAXB |
InterceptorBinding |
InterceptorBinding$JAXB |
InterceptorOrder |
InterceptorOrder$JAXB |
Interceptors |
Interceptors$JAXB |
IsolationLevel$JAXB |
JavaIdentifier |
The java-identifierType defines a Java identifier.
JavaWsdlMapping |
JavaWsdlMapping$JAXB |
JavaXmlTypeMapping |
JavaXmlTypeMapping$JAXB |
JAXBContextFactory |
JaxbJavaee |
JaxbJavaee.HandlerChainsNamespaceFilter |
JaxbJavaee.Javaee6SchemaFilter |
JaxbJavaee.JavaeeNamespaceFilter |
JaxbJavaee.NoSourceFilter |
JaxbJavaee.TaglibNamespaceFilter |
JMSConnectionFactory |
JMSConnectionFactory$JAXB |
JMSDestination |
JspConfig |
JspConfig$JAXB |
JspPropertyGroup |
JspPropertyGroup$JAXB |
KeyedCollection<K,V> |
A KeyedCollection is a light weight wrapper around a Map (LinkedHashMap) values set.
License |
License$JAXB |
LifecycleCallback |
LifecycleCallback$JAXB |
Listener |
Listener$JAXB |
LoadOnStartupAdapter |
LocalCollection<V> |
LocaleEncodingMapping |
LocaleEncodingMapping$JAXB |
LocaleEncodingMappingList |
LocaleEncodingMappingList$JAXB |
LoginConfig |
LoginConfig$JAXB |
ManagedBean |
TODO where is this from?
MessageAdapter |
MessageAdapter$JAXB |
MessageDestination |
MessageDestination$JAXB |
MessageDestinationRef |
MessageDestinationRef$JAXB |
MessageDestinationUsage$JAXB |
MessageDrivenBean |
MessageDrivenBean$JAXB |
MessageDrivenDestination |
no longer represented in schema?
MessageDrivenDestination$JAXB |
MessageListener |
The messagelistenerType specifies information about a
specific message listener supported by the messaging
resource adapter.
MessageListener$JAXB |
Method |
Method$JAXB |
MethodAttribute<A> |
MethodIntf$JAXB |
MethodParamPartsMapping |
MethodParamPartsMapping$JAXB |
MethodParams |
MethodParams$JAXB |
MethodPermission |
MethodPermission$JAXB |
MethodSchedule |
MimeMapping |
MimeMapping$JAXB |
Module |
Module$JAXB |
MultipartConfig |
MultipartConfig$JAXB |
Multiplicity$JAXB |
NamedMethod |
NamedMethod$JAXB |
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the org.apache.openejb.jee2 package.
ObjectFactory$JAXB |
Ordering |
OrderingOrdering |
OrderingOthers |
OrderingOthers$JAXB |
OutboundResourceAdapter |
OutboundResourceAdapter$JAXB |
PackageMapping |
The package-mapping indicates the mapping between java-package-name
and XML namespace in the WSDL document.
PackageMapping$JAXB |
ParamValue |
ParamValue$JAXB |
Persistence |
Persistence.PersistenceUnit |
Configuration of a persistence unit.
Persistence.PersistenceUnit.Properties |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Persistence.PersistenceUnit.Properties.Property |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
PersistenceContextRef |
PersistenceContextRef$JAXB |
PersistenceContextType$JAXB |
PersistenceType$JAXB |
PersistenceUnitRef |
PersistenceUnitRef$JAXB |
PortComponent |
PortComponent$JAXB |
PortComponentRef |
PortComponentRef$JAXB |
PortMapping |
The port-mapping defines the mapping of the WSDL port name attribute
to the Java name used to generate the Generated Service Interface
method get{java-name}.
PortMapping$JAXB |
Property |
Property$JAXB |
Query |
Query$JAXB |
QueryMethod |
QueryMethod$JAXB |
RelationshipRoleSource |
RelationshipRoleSource$JAXB |
Relationships |
Relationships$JAXB |
RemoveMethod |
RemoveMethod$JAXB |
RequiredConfigProperty |
RequiredConfigProperty$JAXB |
ResAuth$JAXB |
ResourceAdapter |
ResourceAdapter$JAXB |
ResourceAdapter10 |
Well, actually connector 1.0 dtd
ResourceEnvRef |
ResourceEnvRef$JAXB |
ResourceRef |
ResourceRef$JAXB |
RespectBinding |
RespectBinding$JAXB |
ResSharingScope$JAXB |
ResultTypeMapping$JAXB |
RunAs |
RunAs$JAXB |
Scan |
Classe Java pour anonymous complex type.
Scan.Exclude |
Classe Java pour anonymous complex type.
Scan.Exclude.IfClassAvailable |
Classe Java pour anonymous complex type.
Scan.Exclude.IfClassNotAvailable |
Classe Java pour anonymous complex type.
Scan.Exclude.IfSystemProperty |
Classe Java pour anonymous complex type.
SecurityConstraint |
SecurityConstraint$JAXB |
SecurityIdentity |
The security-identityType specifies whether the caller's
security identity is to be used for the execution of the
methods of the enterprise bean or whether a specific run-as
identity is to be used.
SecurityIdentity$JAXB |
SecurityPermission |
SecurityPermission$JAXB |
SecurityRole |
SecurityRole$JAXB |
SecurityRoleRef |
SecurityRoleRef$JAXB |
ServiceEndpointInterfaceMapping |
The service-endpoint-interface-mapping defines a tuple
to specify Service Endpoint Interfaces to
WSDL port types and WSDL bindings.
ServiceEndpointInterfaceMapping$JAXB |
ServiceEndpointMethodMapping |
The service-endpoint-method-mapping element defines the mapping of
Java methods to operations (which are not uniquely qualified by
ServiceEndpointMethodMapping$JAXB |
ServiceImplBean |
ServiceImplBean$JAXB |
ServiceInterfaceMapping |
The service-interface-mapping element defines how a Java type for
the service interface maps to a WSDL service.
ServiceInterfaceMapping$JAXB |
ServiceRef |
ServiceRef$JAXB |
Servlet |
Servlet$JAXB |
ServletMapping |
ServletMapping$JAXB |
SessionBean |
SessionBean$JAXB |
SessionConfig |
SessionConfig$JAXB |
SessionType$JAXB |
SingletonBean |
Not in schema
StatefulBean |
Not in schema
StatelessBean |
Not in schema
StringAdapter |
SubscriptionDurability |
SubscriptionDurability$JAXB |
Tag |
Tag$JAXB |
TagFile |
TagFile$JAXB |
Taglib |
Taglib$JAXB |
Text |
Text$JAXB |
TextMap |
Timeout |
class that combines the access-timeoutType and session-timeoutType xml types which have the same structure.
Timeout$JAXB |
Timer |
Timer$JAXB |
TimerSchedule |
TimerSchedule$JAXB |
TimeUnitAdapter |
TldAttribute |
TldAttribute$JAXB |
TldDeferredMethod |
TldDeferredMethod$JAXB |
TldDeferredValue |
TldDeferredValue$JAXB |
TldExtension |
TldExtension$JAXB |
TldTaglib |
TldTaglib$JAXB |
TrackingMode$JAXB |
TransactionSupportType$JAXB |
TransactionType$JAXB |
TransAttribute$JAXB |
TransportGuarantee$JAXB |
TrimStringAdapter |
UrlPattern |
The url-patternType contains the url pattern of the mapping.
UserDataConstraint |
UserDataConstraint$JAXB |
Validator |
Validator$JAXB |
Variable |
Variable$JAXB |
VariableMapping |
TODO what schema?
The variable-mapping element defines the correlation between a
Java class data member or JavaBeans property to an XML element
or attribute name of an XML root type.
VariableMapping$JAXB |
Web |
Web$JAXB |
WebApp |
WebApp$JAXB |
WebFragment |
WebResourceCollection |
WebResourceCollection$JAXB |
WebserviceDescription |
WebserviceDescription$JAXB |
Webservices |
Webservices$JAXB |
WelcomeFileList |
WelcomeFileList$JAXB |
WsdlMessageMapping |
TODO what schema?
The wsdl-message-mapping element defines the mapping to a
specific message and its part.
WsdlMessageMapping$JAXB |
WsdlReturnValueMapping |
TODO what schema?
The wsdl-return-value-mapping element defines the mapping for the
method's return value.
WsdlReturnValueMapping$JAXB |
XmlString |
This is a special string datatype that is defined by Java EE as
a base type for defining collapsed strings.
XsdString |
This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:string.