This class encompasses a little technique that saves lots of architecture rework.
Essentially we're allowing an EjbModule to be both an EjbModule and a ClientModule.
Trick is we don't really know if it has any @LocaClient or @RemoteClient classes
until we've scanned it. Since it's already an EjbModule and we do plan to scan
it, we just automatically generate a ClientModule for all EjbModules and ensure that
the ClientModule will be able to reuse the ClassFinder instance, which is a pretty
heavy object created by reading all of the class files in a jar via ASM. We really
don't want to do that twice if we don't have to. We link them by giving them the
same AtomicReference
object. When one of them sets it, they both see it
and the need to create a second one is avoided.
If the automatically generated ClientModule doesn't turn out to really be a client after
any descriptors have been read and the jar scanned, then we just remove it so it doesn't
factor into the remainder of the deploy chain.