
News & Status

August 13, 2002 Apache Rivet is now on the Apache Tcl site. mod_dtcl will at some point be phased out in favor of Rivet.

January 29, 2002: The Apache Tcl mailing list archives are now available from: Thanks to Justin Erenkrantz!

December 9, 2001: Added mod_dtcl and tcl presentations.

November 26, 2001: The mailing list archives can be found at Hopefully the ASF will create a solution for all ASF project mailing lists.

Noverber 3, 2001: mod_dtcl 0.11.5 release - Small content-type bug fixed.

October 15, 2001: mod_dtcl 0.11.4 release - Parse bug fixed, windows makefile updates, Debian script updates.

October 10, 2001: mod_dtcl 0.11.3 release - updates are mainly relevant to internationalization.

August 30, 2001: mod_dtcl 0.11.2 has been released, without any major changes.

August 4, 2001: New documentation is available on line - check out the documentation link. In addition, a new version of mod_dtcl is out.

March 18, 2001: mod_dtcl version 0.10.0 has been released!

December 24, 2000 Mailing list archives for mod_dtcl are available here:, at the bottom of the page.

December 8, 2000: The mod_dtcl code in CVS has file upload capabilities, as well as support for per-virtual-server Tcl interpreters.

December 8, 2000: is now linked from the Apache site!

November 10, 2000: mod_dtcl is released as an official Apache Software Foundation project under the umbrella of Apache Tcl.

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