Package org.apache.synapse.util.xpath

Support for XPath expressions with Synapse specific extensions.


Class Summary
Base64EncodeFunction Implements the XPath extension function synapse:base64Encode(string)
SourceXPathSupport Support class for mediators operating on message parts selected by an XPath expression.
SynapseXPath XPath that has been used inside Synapse xpath processing.
SynapseXPathConstants All the constants that has been used for the SynapseXPath
SynapseXPathFunctionContext XPath function context to be used when resolving XPath functions when using the SynapseXPath and this resolves one function except for the standard XPath functions and Jaxen extension functions.
SynapseXPathVariableContext Jaxen variable context for the XPath variables implicitly exposed by Synapse.

Package org.apache.synapse.util.xpath Description

Support for XPath expressions with Synapse specific extensions.

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