Interface UserDefinedWSDLLocator

All Superinterfaces:

public interface UserDefinedWSDLLocator
extends javax.wsdl.xml.WSDLLocator

This interface lets user to write his/her own WSDLResolver rather using CustomWSDLLocator . Here using WSDLKey, user can perform his/her own mapping between Relativelocation and Registrypath. User needs to provide a call,"synapse.wsdl.resolver" pointing to the implementation.

Method Summary
 void init(InputSource baseInputSource, String baseURI, ResourceMap resourceMap, SynapseConfiguration synCfg, String wsdlKey)
          Initiate the UserDefinedWSDLLocator with the required parameters
Methods inherited from interface javax.wsdl.xml.WSDLLocator
close, getBaseInputSource, getBaseURI, getImportInputSource, getLatestImportURI

Method Detail


void init(InputSource baseInputSource,
          String baseURI,
          ResourceMap resourceMap,
          SynapseConfiguration synCfg,
          String wsdlKey)
Initiate the UserDefinedWSDLLocator with the required parameters

baseInputSource - InputSource "pointed at" the base document
baseURI - URI representing the location of the base document.
resourceMap - ResourceMap object
synCfg - Synapseconfiguration
wsdlKey - The registry key of the wsdl file

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