Class StreamResultBuilder

  extended by org.apache.synapse.util.jaxp.StreamResultBuilder
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StreamResultBuilder
extends Object
implements ResultBuilder

ResultBuilder implementation that produces a StreamResult backed by a OverflowBlob object.

Constructor Summary
StreamResultBuilder(SynapseEnvironment synEnv, ResultBuilderFactory.Output expectedOutput)
Method Summary
 OMElement getNode(Charset charset)
          Get the result written to the Result as an OMElement.
 Result getResult()
          Get a Result implementation that can be used with an XSL transformer.
 void release()
          Release any resources associated with this object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StreamResultBuilder(SynapseEnvironment synEnv,
                           ResultBuilderFactory.Output expectedOutput)
Method Detail


public Result getResult()
Description copied from interface: ResultBuilder
Get a Result implementation that can be used with an XSL transformer.

Specified by:
getResult in interface ResultBuilder
the result object


public OMElement getNode(Charset charset)
Description copied from interface: ResultBuilder
Get the result written to the Result as an OMElement. Note that the exact behavior of this methos depends on the specified ResultBuilderFactory.Output.

Specified by:
getNode in interface ResultBuilder
charset - The charset encoding of the data that has been written to the Result object. This information should only be used in conjunction with ResultBuilderFactory.Output.TEXT.
the root element of the AXIOM tree


public void release()
Description copied from interface: ResultBuilder
Release any resources associated with this object.

Specified by:
release in interface ResultBuilder

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