Class FIXOutgoingMessageHandler

  extended by org.apache.synapse.transport.fix.FIXOutgoingMessageHandler

public class FIXOutgoingMessageHandler
extends Object

FIXOutgoingMessageHandler makes sure that messages are delivered in the order they were received by a FIX acceptor. In case the message arrived over a different transport still this class will try to put the messages in correct order based on the counter value of the message.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void cleanUpMessages(String session)
 void sendMessage(quickfix.Message message, quickfix.SessionID targetSession, String sourceSession, int counter, MessageContext msgCtx, String targetEPR)
          Performs the actual send operation on the message.
 void setSessionFactory(FIXSessionFactory sessionFactory)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FIXOutgoingMessageHandler()
Method Detail


public void setSessionFactory(FIXSessionFactory sessionFactory)


public void sendMessage(quickfix.Message message,
                        quickfix.SessionID targetSession,
                        String sourceSession,
                        int counter,
                        MessageContext msgCtx,
                        String targetEPR)
                 throws quickfix.SessionNotFound
Performs the actual send operation on the message. Tries to send the messages in the order they arrived over the FIX transport

message - the FIX message to be sent
targetSession - ID of the target FIXSession
sourceSession - String that uniquely identifies the incoming session
counter - application level sequence number of the message
msgCtx - Axis2 MessageContext for the outgoing message
targetEPR - the target EPR to forward the message
quickfix.SessionNotFound - on error


public void cleanUpMessages(String session)

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